. John Campbell is a snake pandering for youtube hits. His platforms earns him like 6000 a month. You don't get those hits with real science. You have to try and provide a more sensational. Grifters
Oh come off it, what the hell does "move at the speed of science" bloody mean? Nothing!! He's correct, they lied.
No drug company can purposely try and infect a human with a pathogen to test for transmissibility and vaccine effectiveness.
No one is suggesting that Riley. The issue is that whilst we understand it takes time for reliable data to come in, people were loosing their jobs & having restrictions placed on their movements based on a false premise - that of 'one should take the vaccine to protect others'. Not to mention the industry & media's deceit around suppressing information on the effectiveness of natural immunity as opposed to the vaccine.
To me the most egregious thing is that we completely reversed medical ethics by giving a vaccine that could potentially harm young Children, when there is zero benefit to them individually and as a cohort, since COVID barely makes kids sick.
You cannot say the pharmaceutical industry and government orgs are not without form when it comes to issues of trust. One example is the scandal around Vioxx deaths that could have been prevented by the FDA. "The race to approve new drugs without proper safety testing is affecting the public's health" states medical journal PLoS Medicine "ties between drug regulators and industry is affecting new drug approval"