He’s always leaned heavily on the altruistic nature of what he does and even had Paul Grundy come on here stating he could be earning so much more in the secular world.
That's just deluded. Even in the UK he would struggle with no professional qualifications - plus he doesn't even have a bachelor's. But he's not in the UK he's in Croatia. Where he's futher disabled by the language barrier, the fact it's a rural area & poorer economy in general. I got the impression he left the UK in part due to debt issues.
With the money he's making now he's like a pig in shit. He's his own boss & even had the arrogance to expect his unpaid 'employees' to do his dirty work by sorting his wife out so she gets with the programme, too!
As for spending his money how he wishes, that's not the impression his patreon statement gives, for one. But anyway any number of professions, particularly those connected with child welfare, expect some degree of ethical behaviour in your private life.
Doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, physio's, social workers and policemen can't double life like Jehovah's witnesses can - (unless you're the Bad Lieutenant!)