Absolutely fascinating Grandpa! Thank you so're an absolute gem and I really appreciate all your hard work and research
☕🍪🍪 Have one on me! Xxxx
i found this article, how be it from about 10 years ago. i didn't even go to the end of the article, but assuming the writer knew of which he wrote, wt had/has?
stock in bot j&j and pfizer.
Absolutely fascinating Grandpa! Thank you so're an absolute gem and I really appreciate all your hard work and research
☕🍪🍪 Have one on me! Xxxx
original reddit post (removed).
Lloyd If you don't think that the survey is any good, or that it won't add value to JWN for a business perspective then that's fine - I'll go elsewhere and find another way of doing it.
😂😂How on earth is a "survey" only taken by apostates, or at best PiMOs whose views on Watchtower are essentially the same, going to be of help to JWdotnet "for (sic) a business perspective"???
If Simon wants to know what ex witnesses and PiMOs think of, say, shunning or the blood policy he's got the answer via the thousands of threads on virtually any Watchtower related subject right here on this site.
What he won't know and what that survey can't tell him, is what believing witnesses think. Except of course we do know what they think, or they wouldn't be believing witnesses! Kind of makes his survey a bit pointless🤔
nicola sturgeon's daft plan to introduce a gender bill which allows anyone aged 16 and over to legally change gender without a doctor's diagnosis of gender dysphoria has rightly been stopped by pm rishi sunak.. under the rules of devolvement, the uk government can overrule holyrood if the pm so chooses.. lots of predictable howling form the scotch nuts, with ridiculous claims that rishi is trying to organise a fight with holyrood.
of course, it's actually the other way round - the snp has been trying to pass this gender bill in order to drive a wedge between scotland and the rest of the uk.. sensibly, rishi has pulled rank on sturgeon and stopped her nonsense.. nicola sturgeon needs to know her place ....
Peaceful Pete This is not about bigotry. If anything my concern is that young gay kids are being particularly targeted by this's almost religious with its concept of a "sexed soul".
Anyway what I wanted to point out is there is a lot of misinformation around violence and trans people.The most recent statistics demonstrate there were around 300 murders of trans people worldwide, with over half of those being in Brazil. The Brazilian statistics are not due to the victim being transgender, but rather the victim being in vulnerable situations since they are overwhelmingly sex workers. Now that is not to say that societal prejudice hasn't driven them into that sex work, but they are not more vulnerable to violence merely because they are transgender than bio women per sa.
In fact in the UK transgender people are less likely than the general population to become a victim of homicide.In fact the rate is less than one person a year. Meanwhile three biological women every week are murdered by a man in the UK. The statistics for violent offending for trans women remain the same as their biological male counterparts, as seen by the two studies I cite in the above post.
Of course not every trans woman is a rapist or violent.....but every trans woman is a biological male. And we don't know which biological males are safe and which are not, so the safest thing for women in some very specific situations (such as prisons, bathrooms, hospital wards, refuges etc)is segregation based on sex.
It is our sexed bodies that make us as women vulnerable and has since time immemorial. This is the reason women worldwide are fighting against self identification.
Just a week after Scotland brought in this law, a double rapist was moved to a woman's prison after he claimed to be a woman following his conviction. The scottish first minster has thankfully moved him back and is considering another similar case of a trans woman who raped a ten year old being held in the woman's prison. In fact 60% of trans women in UK prisons are sex offenders. The rate is 50% in the US. This indicates the numbers of men taking advantage of this loophole.
nicola sturgeon's daft plan to introduce a gender bill which allows anyone aged 16 and over to legally change gender without a doctor's diagnosis of gender dysphoria has rightly been stopped by pm rishi sunak.. under the rules of devolvement, the uk government can overrule holyrood if the pm so chooses.. lots of predictable howling form the scotch nuts, with ridiculous claims that rishi is trying to organise a fight with holyrood.
of course, it's actually the other way round - the snp has been trying to pass this gender bill in order to drive a wedge between scotland and the rest of the uk.. sensibly, rishi has pulled rank on sturgeon and stopped her nonsense.. nicola sturgeon needs to know her place ....
LUHE The following is a summary of a large Swedish Study covering two periods regarding offending rates of post transition biological males. A Texas study found the same results. The following is a quote taken from the study:
"primary purpose of the study was to consider whether medical transition helps patients (leads to better social and health outcomes) and to inform what support they might need post transition. It is methodologically robust, peer reviewed, large scale comparative source on offending rates comparing transwomen and women. It compared the likelihood of a person having one or more criminal convictions, and convictions for violent crime (defined as “homicide and attempted homicide, aggravated assault and assault, robbery, threatening behaviour, harassment, arson, or any sexual offense”).
The study can be divided into two cohorts 1973-1988 and 1989-2003 with the difference being that the latter cohort received adequate mental health provision. The findings show that transsexual individuals were more likely to be criminal than non-transsexuals of the same birth sex in the first cohort (1973-1988), and no different from their birth sex in the second group (1989-2003)
original reddit post (removed).
TOH That's a curious use of the term 'public domain' in this context. Does he not understand what he is writing? Or is he deliberately trying to obfuscate the issue by using that term when referring to a copyright-protected work?
What I'm asking is, was his comment better explained as stupidity, or malice?
Only the behaviour of Lloyd Evans gets the stupidity pass. Or rather the I will rely on my own understanding pass. Anyone else & he'll be doing 3 hours research on Blackstone's digging out every minutia of where everyone else has gone wrong
nicola sturgeon's daft plan to introduce a gender bill which allows anyone aged 16 and over to legally change gender without a doctor's diagnosis of gender dysphoria has rightly been stopped by pm rishi sunak.. under the rules of devolvement, the uk government can overrule holyrood if the pm so chooses.. lots of predictable howling form the scotch nuts, with ridiculous claims that rishi is trying to organise a fight with holyrood.
of course, it's actually the other way round - the snp has been trying to pass this gender bill in order to drive a wedge between scotland and the rest of the uk.. sensibly, rishi has pulled rank on sturgeon and stopped her nonsense.. nicola sturgeon needs to know her place ....
That excuse for a politician has indeed driven a coach and horses through our UK equality Act, but the problem has been compounded by the Scottish courts. Because gender takes priority over sex now in Scotland. If a woman in a rape crises center in Scotland wishes to be examined by a female nurse and so refuses a trans woman, she can be prosecuted for being prejudiced. 🤦🏻♀️
Statistics prove that rates of violent offending for trans identified males remain the same as the general male population.
There are now rapists in Scotland recorded as female and placed in women's prisons. With sex offenders claiming to be women after conviction, then changing back to male on release.
Elizabeth Fry campaigned for single sex prisons 200 years ago, because prisons were mixed back then & women (& their children) were being assaulted. I cannot believe that we are regressing back to a time when the most vulnerable women in society are once again being put at risk.
This is not about being 'not being kind', this is about safeguarding for women and children above all else
one thing i notice from sitting through a number of broadcasts is just how much these guys love their titles.
it's always brother such-and-such, member of the gb, helper to the teaching committee, etc.
it's never simply brother such-and-such, a local elder with such-and-such congregation.. it seems to me the witnesses are pretty quick to pick up on catholics who call their priests father, which at the end of the day is in much the same vein simply a title.. i suspect these titles point to a huge amount of narcissism of the part of those who revel in such titles, certainly it doesn't seem to fall in line with christ's advocation that the greatest amongst you should be be the least.
Whoever is wherever, they're all male that's for shit sure.
Both came to bethel before 1992, the last year of Friedrich Franz. they are overlappers.
* Please file your brain away as 'not required' when reading the following:-
Not necessarily. Being at Bethel doesn't indicate you are anointed.
An over-lapper could be anywhere in the world if they were anointed before any of the pre-1914 anointed died (such as F. Franz in 1992).
To be a young person claiming to be anointed in the late 80s or 90s you'd have been viewed with extreme suspicion. Certainly Ken Cook didn't claim to be anointed until the 2000's when he arrived back in Bethel. It's a career move. I'd lay money on the same being true of Flegel and Winder. They're almost certainly not of "this generation" via the over-lapping side hustle.
N.B. As far as I understand it GB helpers don't have to be anointed, but they may be anointed. I.e. anyone can be a GB helper (any male that is).
original reddit post (removed).
T5 Headlining : to be the main performer at an entertainment event ...Oh good Gravy.
Good gravy indeed! I can't believe that man organises an open mic night in town, just so he can set himself up as the headliner🙄🤦🏻♀️I expect he'll claim it was down to popular demand .....
TonusOH Seeing it all in one place helps to remind us just how much that man loves to hear himself😜talksing!
Lekker dag to you too Giggles...Toby5 😬Should I say what a dag means in English? It's a piece of sh*t covered wool off the rear end of a sheep😂
breaking news from "we are pleased to inform you that two additional brothers have been appointed to serve as members of the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses: brothers gage fleegle and jeffrey winder.
both brothers are anointed christians who have a long history of loyal service to jehovah.
brother fleegle began his full-time service in 1989 and bethel service in 1991. brother fleegle has served as a helper to the service committee of the governing body.
TonusOH Next year's new member of the GB will be Zaphod Beeblebrox.
😂😂🤣 Yup can they get more absurd?
Do the GB literally whip out the roladex and flick through in a competition to see who can find either the daftest name or, failing that, the daftest bloke? (Lett?!)