We hear anecdotes about Canada and England and Europe but no facts
Well in the UK everything is free at the point of use, from primary care to complex cutting edge surgical procedures such as the separation of conjoined twins and heart lung transplants etc
For example when I had my twins my initial appointment was with my GP (primary care physician) who referred me to the community midwives. They were responsible for my overall care with regular checkups/scans etc. I was also referred to the care of a specialist obstetric cardiologist for heart scans (as well as my twins whilst in utero) as well as my named obstetrician. All this free of course.
Pregnant women also receive free dental care and for the first year after birth. We do have NHS dentists, but we have to pay towards costs on a three point scale (so a small amount for check ups rising to the largest amount for root canals etc. Kids & OAPs get free dental care.
Anyway my son was born with a fused skull and was under the care of Great Ormond Street specialists. He had a 9 hour operation with a neuro surgeon, plastic surgeon and paediatric anaesthetist (all consultants).( The Dr he's under Mr. Dunnoway travels the world with a charity correcting facial deformities in third world kids who would be ostracized otherwise ).
The aftercare, including specialist opthalmologists, has been regular right through his childhood
No cost of course.
I cannot conceive of having to fear not being able to pay for healthcare.My sons operation, carried out 13 years ago, would have been in the region of £50,000 even then. That's just the operation, no drugs or hospital care etc.