Here's a suggest re healthcare in America: let each state decide want it wants to do.
That wouldn't work because everyone would move to the state that has healthcare free at the point of access.
I think Americans should think about the fact that noone from other countries that have free healthcare says they don't want it.
I've also never heard those that pay their taxes (that's most people) in countries with an NHS, beef about having to "pay for other people"🤨the way Americans constantly bang on about. Why is that?
Remember almost everything is cheaper in America - your fuel costs, your food costs (well until recently anyway) and in most places your housing costs, too. That is to say for example most young people - if they are willing to move - could afford to buy their own place. In the UK (& I imagine Europe) even the cheapest homes are beyond the income of most single young people.
I believe few people's position in life is purely & only down to their own hard work. For example perhaps they married someone who already owned a home. Maybe they took over their fathers business, or learned their trade at his knee? Perhaps in their era a down payment on a home was possible for a young person. Even if you believe you had no advantages in life, think about the country you were born in? Or any natural abilities you have, that others don't? Perhaps you're good at maths and became an accountant because of that talent - one you didn't strive for but were born with.
Very few people don't want to strive to improve their lives, & the lives of others, if given the chance. Many of us were denied opportunities due to our parents religion - so we know it's not always as simple as claiming people who don't succeed in life are just 'lazy'.