LmsAreduce the doctrinal rebuttals and attempt to cleverly weave them into his personal narrative instead of devoting chapters to it,
Good grief! I've never felt the urge to read Cedars book and I'm glad I didn't. Sounds like a jumbled up mess. I assumed he'd woven doctrinal issues into the narrative as it came up🤔 Sounds like it couldn't make up it's mind whether it was a memoir or a text book!!
The main reason I didn't read it was because I assumed the book would be rather sparse when it comes to his personal history.
A sheltered young Jehovah's witness from a stable British home, isn't going to have much of interest to relate....at least not a life full of what my kids call "mad lore" to relate!! Hence I suppose the inclusion of other people's stories?!
Also anyone not a Jehovah's witness, probably wouldn't find a young man whose memoir essentially consists 7of "I masturbated" a particularly revelatory read for, what, fifteen quid??!