Cofyy Patients needing factor 8 were the most affected group. The WT permitted factor 8 even at the height of the contamination crisis. They have nothing to feel smug about.
Yes I was giving Jehovah's witnesses factor 8 in the late 80s/early 90s
how do you feel about this latest inquiry?
although we expect jehovah's witnesses to use this opportunity to say "we were right all this time", it's nonetheless a historic blow to the nhs.
Cofyy Patients needing factor 8 were the most affected group. The WT permitted factor 8 even at the height of the contamination crisis. They have nothing to feel smug about.
Yes I was giving Jehovah's witnesses factor 8 in the late 80s/early 90s
how do you feel about this latest inquiry?
although we expect jehovah's witnesses to use this opportunity to say "we were right all this time", it's nonetheless a historic blow to the nhs.
- the percentage of people that received infected blood vs total transfusions.
- how long the victims lived after receiving blood transfusions.
- how many would have died without blood transfusions.
- how many had co-mortality issues
Good points. Most of the haemophiliacs were patients at The Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead - the hospital I trained at. Even in the early 90s out of 500 patients 450 had contracted HIV. They were diagnosed early, were given treatment with AZT and didn't survive. A few patients had made it into the late 90s and good HIV treatments. Your points 4 and 5 apply. Blood was necessary for their survival in the very short term...let alone the mid to long.
As to Hep C, we had a test for non A non B (which is what we used to call Hep C) waaay back in the early 80s late 70s. The first treatment was interferon in the 90s (a hell of a drug). It was regarded as fairly rare and mainly found among IV drug users because it's only transmitted blood to blood and - rarely - vertical transmission (mother to child).. This is why even to this day you can't donate blood if you were ever an IV drug user.
So fairly quickly we started testing for Hep C & HIV in donated blood.
What we have to remember is that yes, many of these infected patients would have died without blood anyway.
I'm only speaking from personal experience and I'm not aware of the politics around the issue. The hemophiliacs story is heartbreaking and there have of course been tragedies, such as expectant mother's passing on the virus. But again, I personally know the first baby born in Europe to a known HIV +ve mother who was negative. (She's a talented camera woman in her 30s and a new mother herself. Sadly her own mum died just a few years back). So many patients who contracted these conditions lived happy lives for decades with the condition. They may not have lived at all without blood.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
"Channel consultants" huh? he's moved up a level, from scheming to get people to work for a get people on a pay to work scheme!!😳
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
😬could also because he wants to ensure a regular line of communication with well-off patrons!
He doesn't want to risk this type of patron loosing interest merely because they can't make HIS scheduled meet ups 🤷♀️
we've got some really knowledgeable members on here so i have a question for them and everybody.
what was the earliest adjective used to describe the snake of genesis 3:1?
currently one can read words in english translations like 'cunning' and 'crafty'....but in other languages you see words like 'wise' and astute...which convey a completely different idea.. i'm wondering what may have been the earliest and most accurate adjective known or used.
It means "shrewd" in the sense of "prudence" in clever knowledge and sight, usually in navigation.
It almost sounds like the Bible wasn't quite so black and white when this was written. (Ie not the later idea of absolute evil and good)
Because - well - the snake was right. "In that day" they absolutely did not die, they died much, much later. And they did afterward know right from wrong, or good from bad.🤷🏼♀️
I like the explanation of TWOT:
😂Funny acronym
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
TonusOH including helping his in-laws financially and contributing to a stable home life. The kind of thing you might do as a show of appreciation for not being kicked to the curb like you deserved.
Don't get me started! It's not like he was some newly married kid anymore... but a big man* in his mid late 30s!!
*Very big as it happens
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
I often think about the pre-marriage Dijana and those three young pioneer need-greater's in competition for her hand.
I wonder how often she thinks back to that era and how different her life might be right now if she had picked either one but Lloyd🤷🏼♀️
LMsAI would argue that she’s bearing the most difficult burden of all - raising two young girls by herself in rural Croatia with practically no prospect of getting herself a local job that will improve her quality of life.
Totally. This is why the flight to Croatia just doesn't make sense.
Even as a mother of young kids there are so many more opportunities in the UK for Dijana. She's an intelligent and personable young woman (with excellent English), I mean the possibilities for her would be being an absolute cert.
it is proposed to the seimas not to grant state recognition to the religious community of jehovah's witnesses.
lithuania05/05/2024 09:30. jehovah's witnesses; baptism associative / e. ovcharenko / bns photo.. it is proposed to the seimas to refuse to grant state recognition to the lithuanian jehovah's witnesses religious community.. community representatives told bns that they hope that parliamentarians, taking into account the practice of the european court of human rights, will make a different decision.. the draft resolution registered by the chairman of the human rights committee of the seimas, tomas vytautas raskevičius, states that this community does not meet the requirements of the constitution and the law, that its education and rites do not conflict with laws and decency.. "the ministry of justice has determined that the religious teaching of this community is possibly not compatible with the constitution of our country in two aspects.
the first is that jehovah's witnesses oppose blood transfusions due to certain aspects related to health care (...).
What's important is that they use the publications and The Shepherd the Flock books to demonstrate, in court, that being disfellowshipped is to all intents & purposes exactly the same as being disassociated*.
It would also be useful to establish exactly how and why they changed the DA rules (I.e. Ray Franz etc)
* Regarding taking blood and voting etc resulting in DA. That so-called "conscience matters" are anything but!
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
the meaning of true love from a man.. by elizabeth rossi, freelance writer .
i hate to say this but most women will go their entire lifetime and never experience the meaning of actual true love.. it's even slightly depressing to think that most people will never understand how powerful this picture actually is; a prime example of how men should be treating their partner with everyday that passes.. we unfortunately live in a generation with men who have no idea what it takes to be a real man.. let me give you a couple examples of a real man ....... a real man asks about your day and genuinely cares about the answer.. a real man respects your boundaries and never forces you to anything you're not ready to do.. he makes time for you, and takes that time to learn and understand who you are as a person.. a real man consistently shows you the definition of effort with every day that passes.. he will call you randomly throughout the day just to check on you and your mental health.. a real man is undeniably committed to you and looks for new ways to fall in love with you with every day that passes.. he makes protecting your heart a number one priority.. a real man never makes permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.. he never confuses you on where you stand in his life.. a real man apologizes when he is wrong and stays true to his character.. he doesn't mind hurting other people's feeling to protect yours.. a real man gives you affection without sexual expectation.. a real man refuses to entertain any women that isn't you.. he has genuine intentions with you from day one and shows you how it truly feels to be a priority rather an option.. a real man will help you heal from the trauma that nobody apologized for.. a real man values you and would never put themselves in a position to lose you.. take my advice and wait for the man that never let's you fall asleep at night questioning your own self worth.. .
What if the man is fallible...not perfect and so is some of those things, even many of those things.... much of the time, but not all of those things all of the time
Is he then not worth being loved? I hope to god any husband of mine doesn't judge me so harshly....
He doesn't mind hurting other people's feeling to protect yours.
I hope to god not. Would that include his kids? His brother?His mother? Best friend? No person - not even your spouse - should get an automatic pass if they are wrong about something.