Blackwolf Do please watch this great allegory about God/Hank, someone posted it on here recently for newbies and it's revelatory. It utilizes a tool philosophers call intuition pumps, believe me by replacing God with Hank and a million quid with everlasting life you will see how absurd the thought an omniscient being is gonna kill you if you don't do what it says BUT you have free will, but only free to choose what he says. Some choice. Get as much info on evolution as you can, read Richard Dawkins book" The God delusion ", in fact any of his books,Jerry Coyne "Why evolution is true" Just spend some time at the library, once you acertain evolution is a indisputable FACT you will loose the fear. This blog is written by a JW and may help initially if the A word is a bit too scary yet!!
Hi, If anyone knows to post youtube vids on here can they let me know please, unless its above and not just the link in which case I've done itπ