Ray was a man of deep integrity and I for one have enormous respect for him.
As Harry Potter said "It's hard standing up to your enemies,
Its even harder standing up to your friends"
ray franz who gave us insight into the gb due to a crisis of conscience was an absolute moron, with absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever like all of us have.
i mean, to have a conscience based on some magic man in the sky.. how stupid can you be?
in search of christian freedom?
Ray was a man of deep integrity and I for one have enormous respect for him.
As Harry Potter said "It's hard standing up to your enemies,
Its even harder standing up to your friends"
another member on here announced the publication of my new book "gifts in men, a heavier responsibility" a couple of months ago and some of you asked who i was as to my authenticity and motives.
i have had an amazing reaction to my book even from jws who know me and my story but were still shocked at the details.
i was not raised a jw, not disfellowshipped nor disassociated and loved being a regular pioneer, serving in uk and ireland.
don't mean to disparage what I haven't read - your book - but I have read the Greek scriptures, and my understanding convinces me that you are (unwittingly) perpetuating one of the Org's corrupt interpretations, namely, that where Ephesians 4:8 in the RNWT says "When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men", the original Greek does not say "in men."
In fact, every Bible translation herehttp://www.blueletterbible.org/Bible.cfm?=Eph&c=4&t=KJV#s=t_bibles_1101008renders it as "gifts to men."
1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 28,30,31 describes those gifts (it doesn't describe men!) and 1 Corinthians 13:8 states that all those gifts would cease!
The Org has indoctrinated this false teaching into the minds & vocabulary of J.W.'s throughout the world, in order to elevate the standing of the little Napoleon's within K.H.'s.
Searcher....wow thanks for this I had no idea, wow these guys by their own biblical standard (of not altering the scriptures) are in the s@*# big time!
... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Fantastic reasoning cofty.Great post.
Imo the ancient Isrealites were just like any other tribal/hunter gatherer society. Even today the superstition around taking the life of an animal for food requires the hunter to thank the animal/god etc for giving its life to continue theirs. Isrealite sacrifice laws are just an extention of that.
as you probably know, this is me and you can imagine that the old brainwashing sucks for me sometimes.
i don't believe anything wts says about medical care, i don't agree, and i have seen the proof they are wrong.
i've been out for a long time.
Rebel 8 thanks for the post, if I can I am going to see if I can get your book on Kindle.
I am a nurse & the folk I know who donate blood are some of the nicest people I have ever met.
As if it's greedy to want to cure epilepsy anyway. Idiots. Dangerous idiots.
from the november 2015 watchtower:.
what have archaeologists found that shows that jericho was captured in a short time?.
joshua 6:10-15, 20 says that the israelite soldiers marched around the city of jericho once a day for six days.
As I have understood it Jericho didn't exsist at the time of Joshua.
Among Biblical scholars and archaeologists it is almost axiomatic that the Israelites entered Canaan about 1230–1220 B.C. In terms of archaeological periods, this would be towards the end of the Late Bronze Age, for which the Generally Accepted Date (GAD ) is 1550–1200 B.C. Yet there are enormous problems with this dating. In recent decades an increasing number of scholars have recognized that if we accept the GAD of 1230–1220 B.C. for the Israelite entry into Canaan, we must reject the Biblical account of Israel’s conquest of Canaanite cities. This is because the Biblical account conflicts so strongly with the archaeological record. The Bible describes the Israelite conquest of Canaan at length and refers to a number of cities encountered by Joshua and his armies. In almost every case the archaeological evidence is inconsistent with the Biblical evidence—if we date the Israelite entry into Canaan to the GAD and 6 of 1230–1220 B.C. Jericho was the first city encountered by Joshua and the Israelites when they crossed the Jordan (Joshua 2 ). According to the Bible, the Israelites conquered and destroyed Jericho. But according to the archaeologists—and the site has been very extensively excavated—there was no city at Jericho in 1230–1220 B.C. for the Israelites to destroy. Indeed, no trace of occupation at Jericho has been found between about 1300 B.C. and the 11th century B.C.,1 the probable date of the earliest Iron Age remains.
Redating the Exodus By John J. Bimson and David Livingston Originally published in BAR 13:05, Sep/Oct 1987
the comments and facial expressions of judge peter mcclellan, the chair of the royal commission and angus stewart, though subdued, clearly showed their disbelief and disgust at the lack of compassion and empathy by the org and the elders and gb jackson when questioned.. this link, is a sobering look at the emotions people should feel at the abuse of their children.
I know I am gonna get panned for this but the chances are that perp was the victim of abuse himself. It's just a fact, one month ago he would have been a minor too. We have to break the cycle and educate.
Violence is not the answer. I appreciate that if that was my kid I would feel the same way as the Dad but that is why we have a judiciary.
another member on here announced the publication of my new book "gifts in men, a heavier responsibility" a couple of months ago and some of you asked who i was as to my authenticity and motives.
i have had an amazing reaction to my book even from jws who know me and my story but were still shocked at the details.
i was not raised a jw, not disfellowshipped nor disassociated and loved being a regular pioneer, serving in uk and ireland.
Giftsinmen how easily jws can be manipulated into colluding with abuse and therefore become culpable themselves.
This was more than demonstrated in the recent Australian Royal Commission into child sexual abuse. When total unquestioning loyalty is required to an organization( and hence those that represent it) and ones conscience is subverted to this ideal the result can be catastrophic . Religous Stalinism plain & simple.
according to the newest watchtower:.
jehovah communicated with adam in the garden of eden, using human language.
god likely did so in an ancient form of hebrew.
saintbertholdt love it!
there's a interesting situation emerging where i live and i want to share it all with you because its proof i think jehovah has pulled his holy spirit away.
when elders think they can steal from the government and pretend to be holy, than jehovah god has left us!.
i've been out about 9 months.
and yes i am still obsessed with anti-watchtower material.
i've been married 23 years.
MJB Guess what. I want grandkids to pick fruit from nanas garden. Didn't ever think about having grandkids coz surely that would be after a thousand years. Good god yes it is layers and layers of cultedness.
I am hoping/imagining that happens for you- I know as a kid those times were the happiest with my (nonJW athiest Grandparents) Yeah gardening with grandma!