don't they realize its not mandatory?"LOL!!!!!π
One of the things I could never get my head around was the whole biblical/JW gay hate thing. Even as a kid, just didn't get it, I used to reason 'why would god make people/animals gay then condemn them for it?'(I had seen my dogs get very gay btw). My best friends saintly mum would explain that you had to date with marriage in mind because otherwise people got hurt, and not hurting people was the first law of being a xtian so the JW procriation/dating/sex rules weren't some stuffy 'moral victorian thing' it was just about respecting others feelings before your lust. That's why it was ok to fancy who you fancied, just not act on it.
I wonder what excuse she would have used now it's ok for gays to marry?! I guess as long as they date with marriage in mind....
She also used to say "you are always going to fancy people!", I wonder what she would have made of the 'confess your sinful thoughts to an elder' thought police rules of today?!(she passed away btw).