JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Elusive happiness teaches a hidden truth!
by iconoclastic inmany seek happiness externally and many a time assign others the possession of their happiness.
when they derive a sort of happiness from external sources, they dont feel satisfied, hence jump to the next and then to the next .... in contrast, jesus said gods kingdom (or real happiness) is within (entos) you.
this cannot be misinterpreted as jesus being the king of the kingdom was amidst them as jws do.
I think the coconut anology is rarther beautiful. Personally I am an athiest. Who are Bramah Kumaris ? -
1975 all over again!!!
by John Aquila inwt study edition jan. 2015.
here is the bait:.
as the number of kingdom proclaimers increases and as we near the end of this system of things, there is an urgent need for more facilities.
These older people, some without kids, are just feeling empty. Going door to door, with little or no response. They want to feel 'part' of somethi!g again.
I have a dear elderly lady who still comes to me. I give her a feed as she is diabetic, and the time she spends alows her to fill out her time report. But heres the thing, she never says a word to me, just passes the mags silently.I asked her what she feels about the overlapping generations, she said - and I quote - "oh I dont listen to those people, they are just going to upset you, I don't listen to them anymore'. This is an 86 yr old witness who has been so since the 50's. She has been all over the world with the witneses, literally the only places she hasn't been is Australia & the arctic. She looks sadly downcast when she says the society doesn't do that anymore. She has even been to Syria & Iraq , its quite funny when she tells me she has seen where the garden of Eden was, apparently the man from the society pointed out an old muddy pond that used to be Eden!!!
Need Help with Blood Transfusion Illustration
by Dissonant15 inplease, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
I think the above posts have said it all - if your doc told you to abstain from alcohol he would mean abstain from drinking it. He would not object to a surgeon rubbing it over an operative site, of your dentist giving you a mouthwash with alcohol in. It is the manner of which you utilize it he warns you against.
Similarly eating blood is not the same as an injection/transfusion of blood. Unlike alcohol blood is not a food. A starving man would not benefit from a blood transfusion. But anything taken orally, including alcohol , would likely save him.
A problem with the book of Daniel
by wozza inleft the wts some years ago, but just before i left we were studying the daniel book that they produced in the book study .. i noticed something wrong in the bible account of daniel and brought this up at the end of the study when the conductor asked if everyone understood that nights study,.
i think i may have started a topic here some years ago about this event ,it was a time when i started to question the wts in my heart and mind.the scriptures are lengthy so i will just shorten things by describing the stories in daniel and how one point really got me thinking about things and perhaps made the brothers wierd out about me sand distance themselves ,here it is..........dan ch 1-4. daniels ( who came to be called belteshazzar)in babylon along with shadrach,meshach & abednego ,daniel,after praying with these 3, interprets and states what nebuchadnezzars dream is( we all know this ,the image with the head of gold body of iron and copper etc) and they are rewarded by being positions of authority.
daniel made ruler of the province and chief prefect over babylons wise men ,the 3 were made overseers of the administation of the province ,all very important jobs ,.
Thank you Caleb, I really enjoy your posts. We have an English historian (from just up the road from me in Pimlico) Simon Schama. He made a series (with accompanying book)called ' The History of the Jews' - well worth watching - one episode was devoted to the Sephardim of Spain. His own families roots lay in Sephardic Spain and as he examined a beautifully illustrated Tanakh and he became quite emotional and also angry at the wanton destruction of so much Sephardic culture. You see this book had something no modern Jewish Holy book has, trully beautiful illustrations of angels, of people animals etc . Despite everything that the Jewish people had been through in the last two thousand years, this destruction of such a rich culture is what grieved him the most. -
The Last Time I Set Foot in a Kingdom Hall
by Oubliette insaturday, september 19th, 2015: .
earlier today snugglebunny posted a pic of today's "daily text" which is based on a paragraph from the november 15th, 2013 article.
that magazine contains the now infamous maxim: .
Fantastic, I don't know if you teach kids or adults, but since I had my twins (9) I have immense respect for their amazing, inspirational teachers. Their teachers mean the world to my kids and have an enormous impact on their young lives.
What a difference - imparting knowledge that will benefit for a lifetime instead peddling lifelong bondage.
Did anyone see Jackson state "celebrating Christmas not a df'ing offence"?
by Crazyguy ini have seen posts on several you tube sites stating that jackson said during his rc testimony that jw's don't shun, celebrating christmas is not a disfellowshipping offence, birthdays are ok and ones doesn't have to agree with jw doctrine.
i have read most of the posts on other threads while and after his testimony but never read any of this?
did he really say these things or is someone on the net just stirring up some bs?.
That's me cultbegone &Doc...who else wants to send our Geoff a christmas card?!! -
The False Hope of the Watchtower
by Perry inthe watchtower has long denied the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus.. ot picture of nt salvation:.
on the night of deliverance from pharaoh, the sons of abraham were to slaughter a spotless lamb, eat its flesh and smear some of the blood over the doorway and on the door-posts of their home.
because they were under this blood arrangement and had the lamb inside of themselves after they ate the passover supper, the angel passed over that house as he delivered gods execution judgment.
am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live;yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. – Galatians 2:20
thank you for explaining this Perry, I often had problems understanding this from a wtbts perspective.
That old time religion............JW.Org
by punkofnice ini had a secret conversation with a dyed in the wool jw recently.. they told me that they felt that the organisation now was a different religion to the 'good old days' when knorr was the boss.
the books were more interesting.
the zeal was there.
😂😂ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚😂oh Watchtowerfree
Been getting the giggles all day about ghis one
And overlappingeneralizations comment about the software accent recognition!
counting time
by Sabin inyesterday jw knocked on my door, i was sitting in the office with the window right next to it, they couldn't see me & i decided not to answer.
they stood there for what seemed ages & as i watched something hit me.
they were here only because they were on the territory.
Sabin very thought provoking
Islandman love the comparison
! muah 💋 ! to you two for great posts!