These older people, some without kids, are just feeling empty. Going door to door, with little or no response. They want to feel 'part' of somethi!g again.
I have a dear elderly lady who still comes to me. I give her a feed as she is diabetic, and the time she spends alows her to fill out her time report. But heres the thing, she never says a word to me, just passes the mags silently.I asked her what she feels about the overlapping generations, she said - and I quote - "oh I dont listen to those people, they are just going to upset you, I don't listen to them anymore'. This is an 86 yr old witness who has been so since the 50's. She has been all over the world with the witneses, literally the only places she hasn't been is Australia & the arctic. She looks sadly downcast when she says the society doesn't do that anymore. She has even been to Syria & Iraq , its quite funny when she tells me she has seen where the garden of Eden was, apparently the man from the society pointed out an old muddy pond that used to be Eden!!!