They have mustoshios! Two!!
Your wife!? Wow, Im getting old, I thought you were kids! I guess you were really.π
They have mustoshios! Two!!
Your wife!? Wow, Im getting old, I thought you were kids! I guess you were really.π
a couple of excerpts from an interview with john lee hooker, american blues legend, a few years before he died in 2001. i found this to be somewhat humorous.. have you been married more than once?.
four times.
i aint never gonna get married again.
Steve2 remember some years ago listening to my hero Bob Dylan
Mine too!
Didn't he convert back to Judaism in the end or am I dreaming?!
Goodness we are a bunch of old farts! John Lee, Robert Zimmerframe.... hmm (scratches head)nah...we just have great taste!
a couple of excerpts from an interview with john lee hooker, american blues legend, a few years before he died in 2001. i found this to be somewhat humorous.. have you been married more than once?.
four times.
i aint never gonna get married again.
Lucky enough to see him in the early '90s though
Me too, BoC, I guess not in the UK for you? (always thought you were British with a name like Breakfast of Champions & your avatar pic)
a couple of excerpts from an interview with john lee hooker, american blues legend, a few years before he died in 2001. i found this to be somewhat humorous.. have you been married more than once?.
four times.
i aint never gonna get married again.
orphancrow Sometimes, some things are just too much information, right, Flipper?
Ha ha!Waaay to much!
Makes me wanna cry...
π΅"One bourbon, one scotch, one beer!"πΆπΈ
a while ago the user vinman started a forum thread called: "ray franz was an idiot".
the reaction to it was quite negative but i have to admit that the title of that thread was intriguing to me.
by nature i am an iconoclast.
I'm a selfish bastard.
Nah...challenging accepted norms is not selfish. You had your fingers burnt by the Watchtower - you have learnt well my son.
As to your bastardy I wouldn't care to comment without your asking your mother.
a while ago the user vinman started a forum thread called: "ray franz was an idiot".
the reaction to it was quite negative but i have to admit that the title of that thread was intriguing to me.
by nature i am an iconoclast.
If he accepted it the GB knew he would keep quiet. He would not have been DF'd and the shunning rules would never have been re-introduced.
As is often stated on this forum:
A good (or honourable)deed never goes unpunished!
Interesting example of the complexity of lifes "moral"choices - for us JW black and white thinkers out there!
my husband has a brother he has not spoken too in years not even when he became an adult.
there is a big age gap between them and when his brother was df'd he was still a small child.
his brother was 17 when he was df'd for sex and when he turned 18 he left home and never looked back.
I say go for it. What's the worse that can happen, they dont talk to each other?!!
You know you only live once. Your only gonna have so many siblings. Can you at least determine for sure if your husband would shun him. If not, you have your green light!
a while ago the user vinman started a forum thread called: "ray franz was an idiot".
the reaction to it was quite negative but i have to admit that the title of that thread was intriguing to me.
by nature i am an iconoclast.
Franz wanted to rule the world like everybody else
Ha ha So true! Except maybe if your Jesus, wait.....didn't...?!
a while ago the user vinman started a forum thread called: "ray franz was an idiot".
the reaction to it was quite negative but i have to admit that the title of that thread was intriguing to me.
by nature i am an iconoclast.
Possibly both. The threads on the forum say that the accusations were made by a boy. Decades later a (now grown) man by the name of Mark Palo made the accusation on video.
Well that alone TOTALLY blows the whole 'appointed by holy spirit'bs. Maybe the odd elder could slip through the net but a GB member?I thought big J could see the future, being omniscient n'all.
a while ago the user vinman started a forum thread called: "ray franz was an idiot".
the reaction to it was quite negative but i have to admit that the title of that thread was intriguing to me.
by nature i am an iconoclast.
Wasn't his silence complacency?
Ray Franze was an old fashioned guy. At the risk of sounding mawkish, was it not a case of
"If you cant say something nice don't something at all".
Also, and I may be wrong here, was not Leo Greenlees made to leave because he was gay - not a pederast.
Regarding the correspondence, I get what you are saying. I have always felt that folk seem to go far for three reasons
They are intelligent
They dilligent/meticulous
They are energetic/hard working
Of the three the last two are far and away the most important ( In fact in my experience the first alone is more of a handicap than anything!). It seems to me Ray Franze had at least the first two characteristics in abundence which may explain the (well organized) attachment to his correspondence. But yes, he would have been foolish not see it coming and for him to say he didn't seems a little disingenuous.
Leading on from that, what I find interesting is that he so obviously didn't trust Gods 'loving, only true' Christian organization in the least!