abusive partners who tell their partner they won't be wanted by anyone else besides them.
Thats an interesting anology illuminated and a very apt one, really throws the cruel behaviour of Wtbts into sharp relief.
yesterday i read something that hurt my heart.
at a talk given by a brother lyman swingle ( i apologize if i am stepping out of line by using this) he said "that if you leave the jw ( i find it difficult to refer to it as the truth now days) you may as well go jump off a bridge".
this i think is disgraceful talk to say to any body let alone an audience in which children are present.
abusive partners who tell their partner they won't be wanted by anyone else besides them.
Thats an interesting anology illuminated and a very apt one, really throws the cruel behaviour of Wtbts into sharp relief.
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
DOC The WTS is reactionary.
Amen to that!
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
I don't think Geoff Jackson is stupid in the sense of a low iQ I think it's probably a little higher than average but as already pointed out his lack of education lets him down & puts him at a disadvantage.
He almost certainly started out as a genuine believer & missionary in the early days but with time has started to enjoy the kudos of being an "anointed" overeer & the closer to the seat of power he got the more of a brown-nose company man he became. You would have to be something of a non entity to be accepted by the others anyway.
I believe thats the nicest thing you can say for any of them. There are one or two exeptions like antony morris who probably bullied his way to the top or more likely just out 'hard core witnessed' everybody to earn his position.
What I find interesting is when these dudes decided they were anointed. I say that because with the younger ones, when they would have got baptised back in the 70's or even early 80's it was almost a given that you had to be really old WW2 generation AT LEAST to be amongst the 144,000. I know that one of the GB only decided he was anointed when be started getting close to the seat of power - maybe it was Ted Jaracz or Jack Barr, anyway the point is it would be interesting to find out. For instance Jackson was baptised at 13 in the early 70's & I really find it hard to believe he immediately claimed to be anointed. I guarantee they get the 'nod from God'only when it becomes apparent that it would be "politically useful" to be of the anointed class. I didn't know anyone under 60 in the 80's who was anointed. It was just accepted that the end being so near the anointed had to be elderly.
So bright?No. Educated?Never.Calculated careerists ?Yes.
i have to rant...i know you'll listen and understand.. i drove over to my son's place.
down one side of the road cars were parked making only room for one vehicle to travel.
here was a car that didn't have right of way approaching.
you could have clipped his car Punk---see if he would still have shunned you ha ha
so i had a conversation with my brother some time ago.
i don't entirely remember how, exactly, but the following subject came up:.
"i wonder why god gave his earthly creatures needs... you know, like how we need water to drink, food to eat, air to breath, etc.
goldenash This is a really interesting post. It really is quite mindblowing the responses both yourself & mimimimi got. I think your understanding of why they think that way is quite right.
My husband has been reading a book about mexico & the history of the first nation peoples, particularly the religous practices many of them seemingly barbaric in the extreme like blood sacrifice of virgins etc The theory being that life was so very tough the gods must have been cruel and so only the outpouring of good blood would slake their thirst & keep them from visiting destruction. As the mexican area is so active geologically volcanoes earthquakes etc the people felt they must have merited punishment from gods when destruction appeared in this form.
How similar to the Hebrew god of the dessert - after all life must have been similarly hard in the dessert.
how do i feel about this?.
too much doubt.. shame on you people who are responsible for putting richard to death.. richard is scheduled to be put to death in oklahoma at 3pm on september 16th by lethal injection.
i have followed this case and feel like so many people very bad about this.
Until America grows out of the death penalty like the rest of the civilised world, they might as well enjoy it while they can.
Snuggle we are on the same page
how do i feel about this?.
too much doubt.. shame on you people who are responsible for putting richard to death.. richard is scheduled to be put to death in oklahoma at 3pm on september 16th by lethal injection.
i have followed this case and feel like so many people very bad about this.
This court has never held that the constitution forbids the execution of a convicted defendant who has had a fair trial, BUT IS LARTER able to convince a court that he is actually innocent" Antonia Scalla ( Supreme Court)
Yup. Thats the law - the verdict of a case is not the issue, a case will be heard on appeal because of a point of law
Scary stuff. It's the mothers I feel for
my mom especially had some go-to phrases that to this day echo in my head and piss me off.
things like, .
"don't get mad at me for enforcing the rules, because jehovah made them, so if you don't like it, you're disrespecting him.
Some of those "My book of bible stories" were scary.
innapropriate...see below!
petezahut She told us kids it was ok for JW's to talk to Lesbians because they take good care of their cats and they have a real "can-do", attitude. LOL!!!!!😂😂😂
I have become an athiest but I got to thinking that my kids need to have both sides of the story to make a balanced decision so I dusted down my old "my book of bible stories"to read them.
oh boy, at first I had to heavily edit it, then , despite the kids enjoying some of the stories I gave up as so many were so so innapropriate for young kids!!!
i can't begin to count all the changes that have happened in the last five years.. i just read they're getting rid of the theocratic ministry school from cedar's blog.. i remember when they released the new theo school book back in 2001. how times have changed.. it's almost scary in a way what's happening.
there's barely any time to adapt to one change before another change comes along.. there's been more changes in the last five years than the previous 100 years.. i feel like there's some grand puppet master pulling his string.. what if the governing body are not really in charge but just give the impression they're in charge.
could there be someone else behind the scenes?.
"Heaven, I don't know what they are talking about anymore."
Yes Heaven the older one I know (in her 80's) is v confused. She said re the generation teaching to (verbatum)"ignore them, they just going to upset you"!!
i can't begin to count all the changes that have happened in the last five years.. i just read they're getting rid of the theocratic ministry school from cedar's blog.. i remember when they released the new theo school book back in 2001. how times have changed.. it's almost scary in a way what's happening.
there's barely any time to adapt to one change before another change comes along.. there's been more changes in the last five years than the previous 100 years.. i feel like there's some grand puppet master pulling his string.. what if the governing body are not really in charge but just give the impression they're in charge.
could there be someone else behind the scenes?.
Tweetybird here is the link sir