Calebs Airplane
It doesn't matter was Jesus thinks... Tony the Turd is in charge now...
Actually there's nothing wrong with the guy on the left if he just got rid of the ill fitting horrible baggy suit!
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
It doesn't matter was Jesus thinks... Tony the Turd is in charge now...
Actually there's nothing wrong with the guy on the left if he just got rid of the ill fitting horrible baggy suit!
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
Their thirty something very handsome likeable son still lives at home and has never had the slightest interest in girls.
So funny how we always asume
Gay man = handsome & well dressed
I posted a similar assumption too!
Come on all you gay slobs, Tony doesn't mind you guys in the least!
okay, okay, okay - i know we're not supposed to jump to conclusions.
but the odds this is a "naturally occurring event" are pretty low.
and it's just the sort of megastructure we would expect an advanced alien civilization (type 2) to build.
SSC lol!!
Nah...Pleides is where all the stiff necked saints like Paul & 144,000 live..
This is obviously the club JC gets away too to hang with his bros and have some fun!π
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
Guys you sure are putting some good films up that I'm not familiar with - I've been checking them out
Thanks - got my sunday evening with netflix sorted now ππ
Endofmysteries LoL!!
i notice that while a search of the wt library reveals many references to homosexuals, there are few references to lesbians.. does the wts include women when it uses the term homosexual?.
when discussing masturbation, does it mention both sexes?.
i am asking out of pure ignorance, seeking clarification.. my only comment is that religion of every shade has difficulty with the subject of sexual activity, as if it were something that is not part of nature.. doug.
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
He blamed Yoga pants as being inappropriate attire, not to be worn by true Christians,
Again that dated old dotard of a donut AM III gets it wrong.
Yoga pants are flared and roomy. He's thinking of leggings.
Anyone fancy a whip round so we can send Gok Wan to the GB for a fasion lesson?π
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
Compared to giving up relationships, giving up certain styles of clothing seems less serious doesn't it?
I hear you Simon, we should be up in arms about WT homophobia period.
But I guess for me its an added injustice that someone can be persecuted for their demenor gay or straight.
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
someone on facebook posted john 3:16 where it says people will live forever.. not that i believe it, but i just cannot imagine this.
this, to me, would be the true hell.. if i'm very lucky, i will live to be 100. at nearly half that, already some parts of life no longer hold much interest to me.
even tv shows.
If we are all perfect, living perfect lives we will have no cause for empathy, the glue that binds the human & animal family together. Empathy happens because we are soft wired to experience anothers plight as if its our own, this happens due to our mirror neurons.
With perfection, presumeably like everything we don't use, our mirror neurons would die off and all empathetic emotion wiuld cease leaving us automatons.
Do watch this short RCA vid about it
We are doing that already and so far they are all lifeless, cold and dead and unable to support any form of life.
We should also not forget that the Bible itself clearly contradicts this fantasy of space travel and galactic exploration.
Reasonably conservative estimates there are about 100 earth like habitable planets for every grain of sand on earth.
I think Villageidiots 1000 yrs is a good age . The only reason I want to live longer is for the moment when, not if, we meet our first non human sentient ( alien )civilization.
Check out this all who want to limit themselves to earth.
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
People don't hate themselves and commit suicide because Starbucks doesn't allow giant gauges or three earrings to be worn during business hours by employees. They don't commit suicide because Apple asks their emloyees to be neat or wear a company shirt. They don't commit suicide because Disney asks them to arrive on time and smile at children, whether or not you feel like Snow White on Monday morning.
If you want to wear three earrings, you have the freedom to leave Starbucks and work somewhere else. Your life is not affected negatively, you still have your friends and family. That is a world apart from a letter to Church officials, asking them to actively seek out and discriminate against members who look "gay."
Bang on DD, so toni the tiger has wrested control from old ex-Splaner !
That twitcherty shouldered old buzzard, whose so holier-than-thou just because nepotism saw him into the GB AND he raised 2 boys, is going to tighten the screws on the kids even more.
Like to be well groomed? Use moisterizer for your shaving rash?Like a well fitting suit in something other than taliban black? Ok, rant on dress superficial and expected.
Young man with a voice too high..,gentle manner, soft laugh? Fond of your bros giving them all hugs..oh and I forgot, handsome? Elders kids a bit jealous of the attention all the ladies give you 'cos you love to make the sisters laugh....
Time for a witchunt
Its all so bloody predictable, it would be funny if I didn't know how much misery their stupidity and ignorance causes.