yes I was told in the 80's by a university graduate JW that there was no rain pre flood, just a mist that watered the ground.
That's why there was so much water to come down in the flood, silly!!!!
i remember at my teen years when i was studying with a brother that he said to me that there was no rain before the flood.
instead there was this mist that you have.
never before or after this have i heard something like this.
yes I was told in the 80's by a university graduate JW that there was no rain pre flood, just a mist that watered the ground.
That's why there was so much water to come down in the flood, silly!!!!
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
I also think they are looking to isolate bethel workers even more. I've heard many stories of the trouble that those in the big cities would get in to. By moving to a more remote location, they will lower the number of incidences.
Timelord True true!I read somewhere cults like to retreat into the country at a certain point in their development
Boy, those ceebeegeebee stories outta brooklyn just wow, that place was sin city!!Soo jealous!!
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
Maybe this new rebranding is a causative effect of realizing the doctrines this organization marketed and promoted are or were false ie. 1914 the end times , the last days , 1975. etc.
Now this is more like it!
Rebrand as JW org to get away from the Dark tower "millions now living will never die "1914 doctrine failure oh yes Finkybaby!!!!
i was something like 20-21 and there was this young sister, maybe 16 who i happened to like back in the day ... uh oh ...we met in the summer convention because i made the first move while she was playing board games with her friend.
we kept in touch via skype and text messages because lived kinda far from each other.
eventually her mother heard of the stuff and said to her daughter that the chatting must stop.... well, when two people have a little crush on one another, it sure doesn't.
When I was 17 I had a thing with a 21 yr old
We have been married nearly 20 yrs now I am 48 & he is 52
For goodness sakes you guys are over sensitized and a bit OTT
i was something like 20-21 and there was this young sister, maybe 16 who i happened to like back in the day ... uh oh ...we met in the summer convention because i made the first move while she was playing board games with her friend.
we kept in touch via skype and text messages because lived kinda far from each other.
eventually her mother heard of the stuff and said to her daughter that the chatting must stop.... well, when two people have a little crush on one another, it sure doesn't.
i was something like 20-21 and there was this young sister, maybe 16 who i happened to like back in the day ... uh oh ...we met in the summer convention because i made the first move while she was playing board games with her friend.
we kept in touch via skype and text messages because lived kinda far from each other.
eventually her mother heard of the stuff and said to her daughter that the chatting must stop.... well, when two people have a little crush on one another, it sure doesn't.
Hey kiddo don't worry listen the watchtower keeps people in an infantile state anyway.
I mean normally at 20 you would have been meeting girls at college but in JW-dom assemblies are your only hope and at your ages you were both kids having a flirt.
Totally normal, dont worry its the only bit of fun you could hope for. Good grief!I feel for jw kids so much.
many here whom have read my previous posts know more or less my situation.
wife is not hardcore but we still bump heads from time to time.
if it wasn't for this cult, and while it was not an issue, we had an almost perfect marriage.
Angel listen I didnt even get to the end of your post before I had to reply.
Listen I don't know where you are but if you are in the US you need to get hold of Steve Hassans office. He can do whats called a "supervision" with your therapist.
He obviously does not understand what he is dealing with here is a cult.
Listen you wouldn't get a gynaecologist to give you brain surgery would you? Get yourself some specialist help to protect your family, do it asap ring Hassans office at least for a recommendation
good luck sister D
The terminology is clever I was thinking.
The Slave. Who can but doubt that with a name so humble 'the slave'is no threat to you?!
We don't want to control your every move, every word, every thought do we?!!You are free ! We are the Slave!
i subject to you some pictures of splane, which can examine and form you own opinion.
before gb:.
may i suggest that the before pic he was not so pointy but the after pick he he seems to have gained length with a shrinkage of width.
I think the shape and size of the scull tells a lot about were the atrophy occurred and in which sector thus giving a sort of psychological to some degree as to what his limits are regarding preforming different task,
...wrote a piece on the work of ajwrb and what had been accomplished, as well as how it was done.
i had not read this before this evening when i came across it in their newsletter archives.
its interesting to see the perspective of someone who works as a child advocate and non-jw.
Interesting I would like to further study this guy's ideas.Great shout out to AJWRB, directly credits it as being responsible for the recent reform on blood fractions but rightly worries that not all witnesses will be aware. Correctly maintains that reform on fractions was not clearly stated in a directive to the congs but (typically for another doctrinal flip flop) it is mentioned in passing as an answer to a phoney Awake mag "Question's from readers".It mentions Bulgaria came to an 'agreement' with the Watchtower regarding the blood ban. To qualify as a religon they had to promise witnesses who accepted blood transfusions would not be subject to sanction specifically disfellowshipping . However Watchtower is right that this agreement changes nothing as currently witnesses who accept blood are considered to have 'disassociated' themselves from the congregation, which brings exactly the same sanctions as does disfellowshipping. The piece is silent as to this particular piece of watchtower shysterism though.Thanks for sharing👍Sociologist Richard Singelenberg calls the pro-hibition a "purification ritual" to create "structural boundaries" around a persecuted minority.
2 Scholar Gerald Bergm~ who has published widely on the evolution of Witness transfusion doctrine, suggests that the opposition to transfusions grew out of the Witnesses' opposition to vaccines since the same Bible verses were cited to justify both positions.