JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Caleb prepares for the New System.
by LogCon indad: my son, you look like you are writing down something very important.
are you studying the watchtower?.
caleb: no, im just writing down some numbers and names in this notebook.. dad: what numbers and names, my son?.
Best spoof I've read for ages....get those mass graves dug caleb...maybe you should watch some nazi video's to see how it's done kiddo! -
Comment during the WT
by OneFingerSalute inso ofs got to comment again this morning and thought the comment might bring a smile to someone.the second half question on par.
15 was, "we cannot actually see jesus, sohow can we look intently at him?".
ofs commented, "of course, we cannot literally see jesus as peter did.
No. You should have said "Guardians OF the Doctrine" -
I'm a cynical, sarcastic and curmudgeonly old bastard most of the time.
by nicolaou inbut as i move into my early 50's i find i'm more and more comfortable in my thick, leathery hide.. please get it into your thick skull's that i don't insult or make snarky comments with the intent of hurting anyone's feelings.
that being said, if your precious feelings are hurt it's probably your fault for being a prissy, over sensitive drama queen who can't defend his argument.. i do actually love you all, it's just that most of the time you spineless pussies really get on my nerves!.
good god i feel better for that!
yes but I can still see the #sadness in your eyes..
oh sorry I got you mixed up with the cat..
Too Funny Prank
by berrygerry infrom a redditor - would have died to have been there.
Wicked lyrics!!
Galillee, heartland of paganism in Palestine
by fulltimestudent inmy thread title is somewhat tongue in cheek, because we all know that galilee is where jesus family lived and where he started his ministry.. but, the little village of nazareth, where father joseph started his carpentery business and his sons continued the business, was only about 6km from sepphoris.
its conjectured by some that the family business was not very prosperous, being dependent on rural work when, joseph started it.
nazareth was a typical rural village, houses constructed from mud and brick, with maybe a few constructed from stone.
Wonderful post, doggy grandad.
It occurs to me more & more that Christianity is Hellenic Judaism. Conservative fundy christians like the JW make the greeks the bogey men of the Biblical middle east but without the Hellenic influence on Judaism via gnosticism Christianity would not exist imho.
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
Other than that Kaik's list is spot on -
Which bible character do you hate the most?
by Bonsai inthe more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
Which bible character do I hate the most as of 13/11/2015 ~ why Ishmael of course!!!
....grumble...Arabs...Islam....damn haggar...sasafrasin...
Over-protective parent?
by GrownMidget ini was something like 20-21 and there was this young sister, maybe 16 who i happened to like back in the day ... uh oh ...we met in the summer convention because i made the first move while she was playing board games with her friend.
we kept in touch via skype and text messages because lived kinda far from each other.
eventually her mother heard of the stuff and said to her daughter that the chatting must stop.... well, when two people have a little crush on one another, it sure doesn't.
Just out of interest most of the youngsters I know are sexually active for the first time between 14 and 17. Quite a few of my friends daughters went on the pill at 14 or 15, with parental consent sensibly BEFORE first contact.
They are all, to a women, childless unmarried in their mid twenties ex university graduates in professional jobs very very balanced with good relationships with their parents and either happily single or in good relationships. We messed up repressed religious older generation had kids too young, messed up going to college because of it, have lots of issues including drink bad relationships etc and very poor or non existent relationships with our parents. No contest who are the most balanced and happy generation.
Over-protective parent?
by GrownMidget ini was something like 20-21 and there was this young sister, maybe 16 who i happened to like back in the day ... uh oh ...we met in the summer convention because i made the first move while she was playing board games with her friend.
we kept in touch via skype and text messages because lived kinda far from each other.
eventually her mother heard of the stuff and said to her daughter that the chatting must stop.... well, when two people have a little crush on one another, it sure doesn't.
Simon Excellent post, absolutely spot on and think this sounds very much like the situation you describe and pretty typical behaviour for socially inept young JW kids
Vivian, orphan crow etc AGE BOY 20 GIRL 16 for gods sake this pretty open, honest, vulnerable guy is reading your crap, perhaps just perhaps is it POSSIBle you are over reacting just a teensy bit???
He is now happily married to an OLDER women, does that clue you up a bit?
Never Bring a Knife to a Drone Fight
by LoveUniHateExams inapparently, it's good news, everybody - mohammed emwazi (aka jihadi john) has been targeted by a us drone strike.
the location was in raqqa, syria, a few yards from isis hq, near a clock tower where crucifixions are carried out.
there are conflicting reports, some say he died instantly at 11:40pm yesterday, others say that he was badly injured and taken to a nearby hospital.. from what i've previously read about emwazi, he was apparently terrified of being targeted by drones - yesterday it seems his nightmare was made reality.
Hmmm...the guy was an indoctrinated psycopath from West London....but is it good that our governments are crowing that they have executed one of their own citizens without trial?? Just putting it out there...
The end of the troubles in Northern Ireland was essentially because the majority of people got tired of living in an urban war zone. Their ideals were trumped by their desire to have a normal life and the moderate voices started to outweigh the extremists.
Ermm....try the fact the IRA lost its main finance/support network after 9/11 when the US population had a taste of what terrorism actually means...
That said...basically, in the case of Ireland, terroism worked