Now Now Nicolaou, play nice!
Anyway their gallons are smaller - 3.87L to our 4.54L.
Aha! Does that difference hold true for tons and tonnes? It seems adding a few extra consenants makes things bigger/heavier etc gallon & gallonnes???!! 'Gas'has always been cheaper in the US - is it cos the UK is so small you can walk everywhere if you had to?
Getting back to the OP someone posted recently a letter & other info basically showing the hypocrasy of the ORG that was just worried about being liable when kids where victimized by paedophiles in these private homes they where 'ordered'into. I am guessing other safety issues, fire exits etc would come into play from a legal standpoint.
Gas prices??What BS, who the hell fell for that...oh er, that would be me.š