JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Australian Royal Commission Findings released
by Mephis inwill just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
Memphis thank you👍 -
Australian Royal Commission Findings released
by Mephis inwill just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
Toole is officially a Tool.
Let's hope they make an example of him.
He has conspired with the organization he is employed by to deny children the safety measures they are legally entitled to.
Elder's letter requesting details of solicitors, barristers and accountants
by jwfacts inthere was a letter sent to elders in australia on 18th november 2015 asking for details of publishers that are solicitors, barristers and accountants.
what would be their motive for these details?
the rest of the letter outlines 8 specific pieces of information to compile and send to bethel's legal department, and reiterates to collect the information only be "as you understand, without consulting the publisher.
Looks like they are interviewing to replace Vincent Toole.
Splash Thats bang on the money and my thoughts exactly. Am currently doing my LLB (American JD)& I thought the Watchtower crowd where a shower. -
As another Xmas approaches...
by snare&racket ini hope everyone here is well and staying strong x .
another year, another year with no armageddon.. i have noticed the jw pals and family become more frenzied of late, small things in the news wind them up and make them more hysterical than ever.
the events in paris were horrendous, but to a jw they mean the end is near...........why wasn't it near when chechnya was in the shit?
Thank you 😃
Merry christmas lovely poster!🎄
Couldn't agree more about the grumpee JW's being suspicious of friendliness - who would have guessed the breathlessly happy JW's of the 70's & early 80's would have turned into the surly street vendors of 2015 who give you the evil eye if you approach their trolley!
Could There Be Another Mass Exodus From This Cult?
by mrquik init's happened before.
how much crap can any rational human being take before they just snap & walk away disgusted?.
Nice post, find myself feeling similarly - except one minor point and this is directed at the Witnesses, not yourself.
Persecution. I mean to say.Ok the imprisonments in Eritrea, Bulgaria and maybe issues around banning in Russia.
But...guy's with sandwhich boards at conventions? AAWA?Six screens ? JW Fairytale??!!!
Doesn't quite rank with being sewn inside a pigs stomach & torn apart by lions!
Apathy carts - Apathy D-2-D
by Zoos ini think it was punkofnice who came up with the phrase, "apathy carts".
how apropos.. yesterday i encountered a car group of witnesses in my community as i was coming home from the gym.
actually, their van was blocking me from entering my driveway.
The guy in the van has broken the ice with you, had a "relationship" with you.
So why didn't they run back to you, you're a nice guy, they've gotta try and save you - and soon!!!
I'll tell you why - cos they don't reaaally believe in an imminent armaggedon, deep down. JW ism is "just their religon", just like any other religon now. Probably will be till they die, and there will be less and less contact with "the public"as times goes on. Like other Christian denominations they will evangelize, but basically rely on a 'vertical'increase in membership from the children of those baptized.
I'm I the only one who finds peter Andre really creepy, cheesy and slimly?
by purrpurr inin the uk the bbc show strictly come dancing has this season been plagued by the greasy slime ball that is peter andre.. for those who are fortunate enough to not know who he is, he's a one hit wonder, married a model with extremely plastic front bits, now to be found on what ever z list tv programmes will have him, he advertises for the supermarket iceland which is where the chavs go to shop, he is extremely in love with himself oh and he was brought up a jw.. thankfully tonight common sense has prevailed and the stupid twat has been booted off the show!.
or does anyone else feel the same?.
btw can you tell... i really don't like him?
Figures. He's a greek cypriot.
He would be an ugly midget nobody if he had not of had an on TV relationship then married a narcissistic reality porn model on "I'm a celebrety get me outta here".
They represent, perfectly, the new reality people that have no talent whatsoever but earn a fortune for being tanned & tacky in the press.
Then the class they come from gets slatted for not working hard enough or commiting crime . They see the rich & MP's at the opposite end of the scale scamming the system & not paying tax.
And all of them wearing sh!t designer clothes horrible expensive white trainers perma tans from hols in Ibiza & Marbella
This is what we are told to aspire to, no wonder the kids riot & nick crap from the shops - why should they respect these idiots who get so much for doing sweet FA ??
Wow, it was soooo different when I was young.
We were seriously anti war & anti materialism even without being dubs. We where PROUD to get out stuff from charity shops & cut OUT the labels so the clothes seemed unique! I guess it's a kind of reverse snobbery.
I love the tech of today, the choice and that mainstream has finally caught up with our enviromental values but gawd this cult of "personality" is SHITE.
Is ANYONE in charge a real ordained minister? College degrees? Seminary? A real Theological degree?
by WireRider inand i don't mean that stupid made up shit russell just invented only a 100 yrs ago.
he never passed the 7th grade and declared that the world was too stupid to understand the bible without him.. who do you follow and pore money into the watchtower?.
Btw, I think our member CalebfromFlorida had a theological qualification of some sort. He may even have been a qualified Rabbi.
Much missed member.
Is ANYONE in charge a real ordained minister? College degrees? Seminary? A real Theological degree?
by WireRider inand i don't mean that stupid made up shit russell just invented only a 100 yrs ago.
he never passed the 7th grade and declared that the world was too stupid to understand the bible without him.. who do you follow and pore money into the watchtower?.
Finkelstein10 minutes ago
What becomes comparatively interesting is what WireRider pointed out that the WTS right to its very beginning inception did not have a academically trained bible theologian.
Which is interesting given that at the time one would have thought that a wealthy man with an interest in the Bible would have attempted to study at a Seminary at the very least - even if he did not complete it once assured of his new found Biblical'truth'.
Except, of course, it wasn't new found, it was almost completely plagiarized from Adventist theology, Miller's work, John Aquilla et al.
Not to mention the fact there are doubts about Russell's initial wealth - until, that is, he got the 'keys to his own publishing company' (Finklestein, JW.D, 2015)
Unsurprising, then, they would not want subsequent followers studying a subject the founders did not understand. Even the WT "oracle" W.Franze was only a second year undergraduate of ancient (not Biblical)Greek when he left to become a WT colporteur, or book & tract salesman.
And you don't need a theology degree to sell books.
The Exodus confirmed..
by Crazyguy infor those of you that don't research this stuff i will give a little back story.
we all know about the moses exodus, but history and archeology didn't seem to confirm this event.
the only exodus out of egypt ever recorded was that of a group of asiatic tribes that had taken over egypt for a bit over 100 years called the hyksos and the followers of the pharaoh akhenaten who perpetuated a monotheistic idea of worshiping only one deity the aten.
I had heard some years ago that it was the Reed sea rarther than the red - don't know where but I do remember something about the likelyhood that some kind of tsunmi type event may have happened due to the eruption you mentioned. The water of the Reed sea being dragged back out to the Ocean, leaving a dry sea bed, before returning in the form of a huge 'Tsunami'type wave. Although I gathered the Reed sea was more of a small river ?
I guess this tit bit I heard was related to the research u guys are telling us about no?
Thanks, v interesting , will check it out, love a bit of biblical archeology despite my atheism!