Don't you mean histrionic.
"The sky is falling in!"
at the beginning of the may broadcast stephen lett said this was a historic broadcast.
he explained that every member of the governing body had hosted a show and they were starting over again.
that was all the explanation he gave.
Don't you mean histrionic.
"The sky is falling in!"
at the beginning of the may broadcast stephen lett said this was a historic broadcast.
he explained that every member of the governing body had hosted a show and they were starting over again.
that was all the explanation he gave.
I do remember the publications using the words..
How so? though.
so on last saturday, one of my good child hood friends (i consider her like a real sister) who is da posted on facebook that she was going to be having a birthday party for her son.
well another person we grew up with immediately posted a comment about how she should know better then to celebrate bdays and referenced 2 peter 2:20-22 (about being like a dog turning to its own vomit).
i countered with with luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.
I wonder what day is Jehovah's birthday - you can be sure he's killed someone on his birthday. He's done it practically every other day of the year.
Boy I'm bored.....
all sorts of suspected deception going on surrounding the cutbacks and the reasons for them.
but hard to pin down a direct falsehood.
sure, they initially said they were reducing the magazines so the brothers had less to read, then later said it was to save money.
542 on 16 august 2015, dr applewhite wrote to the legal representative of watchtower.
australia and advised that she was unable to prepare a supplementary statement due.
to other commitments.
I wonder if her present collegues are aware of the debacle (polite term) that was the expert testimony of dr monica applewhite to the RC of Oz.
And, if so, do they still respect her. what. .so. ever.
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here:,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here:,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
Toole is officially a Tool.
Let's hope they make an example of him.
He has conspired with the organization he is employed by to deny children the safety measures they are legally entitled to.
there was a letter sent to elders in australia on 18th november 2015 asking for details of publishers that are solicitors, barristers and accountants.
what would be their motive for these details?
the rest of the letter outlines 8 specific pieces of information to compile and send to bethel's legal department, and reiterates to collect the information only be "as you understand, without consulting the publisher.
Looks like they are interviewing to replace Vincent Toole.
i hope everyone here is well and staying strong x .
another year, another year with no armageddon.. i have noticed the jw pals and family become more frenzied of late, small things in the news wind them up and make them more hysterical than ever.
the events in paris were horrendous, but to a jw they mean the end is near...........why wasn't it near when chechnya was in the shit?
Thank you 😃
Merry christmas lovely poster!🎄
Couldn't agree more about the grumpee JW's being suspicious of friendliness - who would have guessed the breathlessly happy JW's of the 70's & early 80's would have turned into the surly street vendors of 2015 who give you the evil eye if you approach their trolley!
it's happened before.
how much crap can any rational human being take before they just snap & walk away disgusted?.
Nice post, find myself feeling similarly - except one minor point and this is directed at the Witnesses, not yourself.
Persecution. I mean to say.Ok the imprisonments in Eritrea, Bulgaria and maybe issues around banning in Russia.
But...guy's with sandwhich boards at conventions? AAWA?Six screens ? JW Fairytale??!!!
Doesn't quite rank with being sewn inside a pigs stomach & torn apart by lions!