because they wouldn't even have the priviledge of voicing that criticism if we were taken over by countries like North Korea.
Ha ha!! Can't believe I'm copy and pasting ol' Nathan...but I'm right behind you on this one!
I was a truly indoctrinated sheeple who believed she was a pacifist...and HATED it, I was SO CONFLICTED around the military. I come from a long line of military servers..great grandad WW one( still have his call up papers) , great great uncle died at Pascendale , grandad was at Arnhem in WW 2 and all my great uncles were pilots in the Battle of Britain, one flew the famous Lancaster bomber. My dad was in the Fleet air arm until my mom made him leave when they married.I longed to join up..I worked at Wool which military hospital as a nurse and had the time of my life. My friends at the time were sent to Bosnia and I so wanted to go, the NGO ' s however where more at risk then ( as now, often) so guess who signed up for a course?? I wanted to join Medicicine sans frontier or Sur le monde, I used to fly so thought maybe as a helicopter medic. However, I fell pregnant and had two motherless step kids who needed me..I'm with so what now about kids ONLY if u are at risk and their is noons else to care for your kids. There are many ways to serve relatively risk free, I don't think it should be any different for men or women. Kids need their dads too you know, boys often more, so what's the difference?? Maybe PARENTS shouldn't be in the front line, when there is the option, of course.
However I have seen the old boys from WW1 with shell shock, horrible see them keep tapping their watches. And messed up homeless, alcoholic soldiers who served in the Falklands..bloody awful..they saw men throw grenades at 14 year old Argentinian kids, the BBC didn't the!l the truth on that shit ( obviously we have no Vietnam vets here) but I have uncles who were in Japanese prisoner of war camps and had his arm chopped off by sadists. A kiwi relative cleared up in Japan after the bomb...was a prisoner of war in Japan and made to clean up..his kids all died young of cancer.
Yes, its no picnic. But I also know of incredibly brave conscientious objectors ( harder to stand up to your friends than your enemies and all that) who were ambulance guys in WW 1- high death rate , these dudes where the genuine article.