JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
I am leaving the JW's . I am alone and scared. Advice and help needed please
by scared and lonely ini am sorry that on my first post i am asking for help and advice but i am at my wits end.
i have been brought up a witness all my life and it is all i know.
i am an ex-elder and pioneer and i don't know anybody outside of the congregation.. i have been unhappy for so long and wanted to leave.
Scared, I recommend you check out exjwreddit and I PROMISE you won't get the ignorant and nasty responses you got from Sparrowdownand that excuse for a human being Nathanutass I don't know what issues those two have but they obviously ain't getting any. -
JWs the kings of plagiarism
by Hecce inthe wt used to be rich for the quality of their public speakers, at the top of the ladder were the dos motivating the brothers on a weekly basis.
some of them used very folksy experiences related to the brothers as motivational tools, when you left the convention those experiences were the talk of the town.
i remember one very well qualified brother serving as do that was constantly using those sort of experiences as part of his arsenal, at one time he related one about a sister that new that she was going to die soon and while meeting with the family and brothers for final preparations she requested to be buried with a fork in her hand.
A well-meaning Christian sister said to the mother: βItβs too bad you have failed at child training.β
Ha ha ha! "A well meaning Christian sister"... If that's their standard of "well meaning"Christian love they are more delusional than I thought!!
Where are the EXJW Feminist Philosophers?
by Luther bertrand ini am working, more in the planning stages, where i am going to offer a commentary on the caleb and sophia cartoons that the org puts out.
i noticed a heavily patriarchal bent to the narrative that these cartoons offer.
i would really enjoy working with someone who has an academic background in feminist philosophy, or at least someone knowledgeable.
In my experience the only women who " preferred " the patriarchal system of the JW's were strong women with reasonable husbands living out the fantasy of the temporary, imperfect structure only instituted as a buffer against the chaos of a wicked system. "Never intended by Jehovah "is the mantra of many intelligent JW women who obediently " endures all things" as she awaits paradise and the perfect equality women and men were intended to have. Except, of course, she endures nothing at all, wearing the pants at home as she does, she wears her skirts with her Godly devotion at the Kingdom Hall.
Funnily enough you never hear the put upon, bullied wives of men who enforce their spiritual " headship"voice their intention to take refuge in Jehovah's loving arrangement. They bite their lip and lower their eyes when the talk at the lecturn praises the " arrangement" as the loving port in a " worldly storm".
Has anyone seen " Elizabethan farm"? Historians live and work as the name suggests " in character" for a year. Its a novelty, no doubt, as the headship thing is for converts - until they are in too deep and Armageddon hasn't arrived when it becomes just another aspect of JWism that isn't pleasant to dwell on too much.
I think we need to allow for the experience that some women do genuinely prefer a patriarchal system. They don't just appear to they actually do (although I even doubt the usefulness of such a distinction) Patriarchy has benefits for women as well as drawbacks. It provides clear rules and roles whereas equality can be more chaotic and uncertain. It can provide security whereas equality can involve precariousness. Some women as well as men are always going to be attracted to that, just as fascism holds an appeal for some people especially in uncertain times.
"You don't go to church in a Kingdom Hall"
by stephanie61092 in"you don't go to church in a kingdom hall" was stated during the public talk yesterday.
the speaker then elaborated that "people who go to church, go to fulfill a spiritual obligation.
coming to the kingdom hall is coming to learn.
Er...so they are saying spirituality has nothing to do with what happens at a KH???
Come to be programmed and leave your love for your fellows - your sociability with your brothers, and your spiritual need at the door.
Thier new Bible translations funny Scripture and how stupid they are.
by Crazyguy inif you go to their bible at genesis 18: starting at verse 3 you will read that abraham sees jehovah yep sees him, with a couple of other men (angel's) then talks to him about getting water to wash his feet.
then he runs to sarah and talks to her about preparing food for jehovah.
so let me get this strait abraham sees jehovah face to face, jehovah has feet and apparently likes to eat human food too.
See Cofty! That thar lower case gits you Atheists in a world of trouble with the spell checker..but you still got rock n roll, the blues and you get to watch football on Sundays in your under crackers!!
by OneFingerSalute injust a few observations from this morning.
.. this morning as i was trying to choke back the bile that kept wanting to come up during the wt study one comment in particular screamed cult.. towards the very end as comments were being made about "counseling" others with "gracious" words one of the uber-dub minstral-serpents made this comment, "we see in the last image that the brother is holding a bible as he counsels the other brother.
we look closely at the picture and we can know exactly what he is counseling the brother about.
Good one. A1+++ Apostate Bible basher of the week. I'd like to tell those jerks that their ambivalence to child abuse is God-dammed well stumbling me..not to mention their petty lack of love.
When I was a kid my best friends Dad caught hell from the stiffs for sporting his beard ( he was a convert and had worn one since puberty). Since he was an aircraft designer, pilot and supported the whole bloody congregation, chauffeured anyone everywhere in his big ass Volvo not to mention his super massive IQ balancing accounts, sorting out everyone's financial and legal problems
, a brilliant handyman he could build anything including an organ for the congregation AND as a gentle, decent, humble soul who was easily the most loved, respected and forgiving person for miles....but, y' know..Jehovah prolly didn't like him cos he had too many whiskers on his chinny chin chin...
This is Just getting Ridiculous and out of hand with the Borg
by MrsR-Awaken insaw this on reddit it was posted by user morgan_sparlock .
to me honestly this would of been prohibited 10 years ago, but now every dub is obsessed with this website, it's everywhere even a damn iphone cover... ooh they don't approve of idolatry ooh no they don't accept cross veneration thats bullshit to me!!!
its getting to a point that they are venerating this website (company logo) it's their version of the cross.
the girl next door2 days ago
Also, I would venture to guess that "Morgan Sparlock" is an ExJW stirring the pot. Poe' Law in action.
yes it's on EXJW reddit.....it's where Us groovy kids hang out π -
Hello everyone. New here looking for info and friends
by Harvard Illiterate 411 ini sometimes was redirected to this page from reddit or another ex-jw site but never bothered to sign up.
i wanted to stay off the radar but since i'm getting dis-fellowshipped anyways and have no plans to come back what the hell.
been 22 years in the truth........... ahhhh i hate to use that expression...... bad habit but you know what i mean.
HELLO! I'm gonna call you KNEES now because you reminded me of how absurd the whole " cover up your knees, please"thing is - I mean of all the ladybits that are pleasing to the eye KNEES are not one of 'em. I've been around this great big world a fair few times and I've yet to find a knee- fetishist!
So hi from a fellow ORAL OBSESSIVE...like Talesin I have quit the filthy habit, thank goodness, but I still love puttin' things in me mouth, 2 things the org and I don't see eye 2 eye on......gluttony! Honestly ! Minds like sewers here! Watch em!!
Prince's recent passport pik!
by fulltimestudent inwell, that's the claim.
is this sexy, or isn't it?
are male witnesses now allowed to wear eye liner?.
The GB of today are a different proposition to those of the early 80's...I don't believe a gold apple watch would have turned old Freddie's eye... -
Was Adam "born" Circumsized ?
by RubaDub ini guess we have to assume that jesus was circumcised on the 8th day but what about adam?
he was "perfect", so did he have the weenie cut or not?.
i would like to bring this question up at a "get-together".. rub a dub .
According to tradition Muhammad was born without a foreskin (aposthetic).Aug 13, 2009
How convenient for himπ
Doing my community midwifery many of the first time Jewish mom's were horrified at how their baby boy's suffered and said they wouldn't allow it to happen to any subsequent boys.