Two thoughts come to mind
1) As you look at the way “last days!” Is plastered over the page, in bold, over and again, it appears so obvious that it’s meant to catch the eye of the naive and credulous post war reader. I mean it really looks like a trashy piece of advertising, something that’s trying to sell a product....”NEW improved religion. FREE eternal life. HURRY! STOCKS WONT LAST....DAYS!!!!”
People are too worldly wise to fall for that ish now.
2) As an avid reader, I notice that even books by famous authors published by world renown publishing houses always, and I mean always, have a typo somewhere in the piece....I guess they have maybe one or two editors who go over it and naturally mistakes are missed.
But watchtower? I don’t think I’ve ever spotted a typo or grammatical mistake in an Awake or Watchtower, and that’s saying something because I’ve read A LOT of them! They must have a veritable army of JW robots going over each article to ensure nothing is missed. Creepy, really.