True that Mustard. Blacks live in a rotten self imposed culture.
whist you borrow from said “rotten culture” ( “True that” is a Jamaican saying, originally. It’s called ‘cultural appropriation’ dontcha know!)
True that Mustard. Blacks live in a rotten self imposed culture.
whist you borrow from said “rotten culture” ( “True that” is a Jamaican saying, originally. It’s called ‘cultural appropriation’ dontcha know!)
emma peelyou’re oh so thrillin’ when you’re bashin’ in a villainin a tight black leather catsuit, yes indeed!head held highyou won’t dawdle but accelerate the throttle as you .
toss a wink to handsome partner steedemma pealyou crave adventure in your role as an avengercool and pretty with such witty repartee’deserving of a kudo with the lithe and limber judoyou’re the boss with every tosser comes your wayemma pealmay break the rules but she’ll never suffer fools(though she’ll make the fools soon suffer for their crime!
)nemesis to haughty ones, a darling to her audiencethe champion trendsetter of her timeemma pealwe’d love to kiss you every fan is gonna miss you(i am reaching for the tissue) as i cryas a true and loyal fan ireally know (you are diana)it’s the ending of an era bye and byebeautiful dianafond adieu …rest in peace my angellove, terry.
Wow. That’s fantastic Terry.
It was a sort of Rap....the way it was structured and best said aloud. I mean YOU threw away the rules, too. Sorta. Shit. I’m very impressed sir. I think her family would surely appreciate reading that.
i was wondering about this.
if california or other far left groups in charge would push for making pedophiles quote normal unquote.
so it passed but has yet to be signed by newsom.
Diog - Doesn't this law permit a 24 year old to have anal sex with a 14 year old? In the rest of the world we call that pedophile rape.
i agree Cofty. But surely that’s a slippery slope argument? The judges are there to adjudicate - work through the subtleties of each case.
However I agree ten years is too big of a gap. Five years is far more appropriate.
i was wondering about this.
if california or other far left groups in charge would push for making pedophiles quote normal unquote.
so it passed but has yet to be signed by newsom.
This is part of the left trying to decriminalize and allow pedophilia and child abuse.
this is just plain hysterical Simon. How many on the board had sex at 16 or 17, whether married or not, to their partner?
Well I put my hand up to it. My partner was 19 (now husband) Anyone who denies they wanted to, at that age, is probably lying.
hey so i won't go too much into the details though there would be so much more to a nutshell, you are repentant but not enough so we disfellowship you ....i asked, can you clarified this "not enough repentant" please ?as one of the reason of not being repentant : " you didn't put on your camera during zoom meetings !!!
" they yelled at me, like a bunch of wolves against a :.
- no scriptural basis.- abuse of power.- my phone can't handle to have its camera on more than 20 minutes.then they yelled " jehovah does want you in the congregation" !like you are not welcome here....strangely to me, isaiah 1:18 and the story of the prodigal son tells a complete different story....well the whole bible is about love forgiveness and repentance !!
Dude... your story starts as being df’d fir not having your camera on. When questioned you admit to fornication.
You can lie to us, you can lie to the congregation, hell you can lie to the desert god, but i hope you learn not to lie to yourself. Self honesty, self awareness, being able to see yourself objectively, these are some of the greatest gifts a man can have.
He has every right to be annoyed!! Don’t be so high and mighty!
Even by Witness standards it’s extremely dodgy to use the fact of someone’s camera not being on/possible technology failure, as the measuring standard of a persons commitment to God or spirituality!!!!!
It’s obvious English is not his first language and he clearly said they claimed he was not repentant enough to be reinstated, so he was effectively disfellowshipped for “attitude” rather than the particular sin.
In fact everyone is DF for their “face not fitting” or not being related to the right people, etc, since we are all DF (in theory at least) not for the sin, but whether we are “sorry” enough.
He may have many reasons not to want to be DF we all know that, As MickBob said, use their 2 witness rule and admit to nothing!
you have to get baptized even if you were baptized in several other religions so why don’t they require you to remarry your spouse, especially if you were married as a mormon or muslim and had multiple wives.
some countries legally allow polygamy so you couldn’t necessarily just go by the laws of the country right?
these problems probably never come up though because i bet not many flds or muslims become jws.
If it's a guy who had multiple wifes that case you'd probably have to pick a favorite wife, and re do the marriage legally in that specific country.
Watchtower did an article about such a situation. You have to remain only with your first wife, and you don’t have to re-marry her since it’s already the only legal marriage, as far as Watchtowers western-centric eyes are concerned. Which is funny, considering how focused they are on the polygamous Old Testament and it’s “principals”.
Indeed It’s not that uncommon, or at least it wasn’t back when watchtower was making converts in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
You’d Probably imagine it would be relevant to converts in Nigeria or Mali, but actually western “polygamists” are told the same people who divorced their first partner and remarried before they became JWs. Because I’ve known people who were told they couldn't be baptized UNLESS they asked their first spouse if they wanted them back. Fortunately they never did. But it they had, the poor publisher would have had to leave their current partner and remarry their ex (first) spouse!!
in one of the study articles from the november 2020 edition, is mentioned (free quotation):.
"don"t get disturbed if your kingdom hall will be sold".
food on the right time, i asume?. the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious here.......they’re waiting for Armageddon to arrive and provide a solution to the pandemic problem.
2020 convention of jehovah’s witnesses: “always rejoice”!.
in this problem-filled world, true happiness can be found.
learn how to rejoice constantly!
The Nita and Jade LOVE be continued!!!
Sizzling hot chemistry!!! That story right there is going to begin an AVALANCHE of fan fiction!! They are also the first JW “actresses” who actually have some acting talent! They certainly weren’t as wooden as the usual cast. I think the casting director did a great job actually. Although he (definitely a he, too important a job) is probably going to live to rue the day he chose them, though!! 🤣🤣
They’re going to become waaaay more famous than Kevin Bunker IMHO. I’m just longing for our first JW convention celebrity to come over to the dark side.....with those two preferably in a hot lesbo-love story flourish!🤣
what is the watchtower's current study book?.
is it what does the bible really teach?.
is it what can the bible teach us?.
I remember studying the Greatest Man book when I was very little, but was it just for kids? I can’t remember.
what is the watchtower's current study book?.
is it what does the bible really teach?.
is it what can the bible teach us?.
The Greatest Man book?
The Revelation book?