PP There were tons of idiots that kept berating all my workers because we kept on working all last year and none of my workers got the vaccine. We are all plumbers working out in the sun and wind and we were in the middle of hospitals, senior hospitals, unclogging showers and toilets.
Well anyone who doesn’t think that plumbers are essential workers is an idiot.
Maybe next time they (probably don’t)🙄 wash their hands after using the loo they’d like to think about what it would be like if nurses, doctors, nursing home chefs etc weren’t able to to do the same...how fast disease would spread if we couldn’t access water for the scores of reasons we do. Doesn’t bare thinking about.
We may disagree about the threat COVID poses but I for one thank you very much for the essential service you provided at risk to yourself (and as a 53 year old, non-obese woman (with arthritis) I can tell you I’ve never been so ill in my life as I was with COVID*. Having said that I do appreciate for those in their 40s, 30s, 20s etc the risk is negligible & my 15 yr old kids basically didn’t even notice they had it).
*and before anyone thinks I’m just a wimp I’ve given birth naturally, without any pain relief to a breech baby and twins (not at the same time, mind🤣). In fact I’ve got a bit of a reputation as a hard bas***d 🤣My friends used to say I’ll be one of these old ladies who’ll be walking around on a broken hip for weeks when I’m old!