Didn't someone propose uprooting the temple mount brick by brick and sticking it in Stockholm as a solution?
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
400 Rockets Hit Israel
by minimus inisrael retaliated and some are accusing israel of an “act of terrorism”.
evidently these rockets are trying to get to tel aviv but the dome is getting overwhelmed.. i wonder if the usa and other nations will come to israel’s defense..
Bathing Daily Doesn’t Help The Planet
by minimus inthe new york times as well as other news agencies are reporting that in order to help save the planet we should limit our daily bathing.
they say daily bathing really because popular in the 20th century because elites decided to impress and use petroleum based soaps and take advantage of their indoor plumbing.
a lot of this daily bathing ritual was just for show.
This is a straight forward fairly brief yet thorough video explaining why water wars are likely going to be a major problem in the future.
Water shortages are already a big problem for places like Mexico City and Cape Town. Cape Town even began a countdown to their "day zero" when the water would literally run out. Following strict rationing and a laudable effort from the population, they were able to avert the taps literally running dry. Much of it is the result of poor city planning and the draining of rivers to make room for city buildings.
We are becoming better at conserving water but, who knows, maybe "sand baths" will become a thing of the future or maybe we'll go back to our grandparents weekly bath schedule again?!
400 Rockets Hit Israel
by minimus inisrael retaliated and some are accusing israel of an “act of terrorism”.
evidently these rockets are trying to get to tel aviv but the dome is getting overwhelmed.. i wonder if the usa and other nations will come to israel’s defense..
TheJo large part, it is religious zeal that is fuelling Israels claim to the land. They believe they are chosen by God and the land is their birthright.
No one can deny that ultra Othodox Jewish squatters are exacerbating the problem. However whatever the rights and wrongs of how anyone came to live where they currently do, the fact is they do, and firing rockets at civilians is not going to solve anything. There’s no doubt the Israelis feel as if there backs are against the wall and even as non religious secular Jews, where else can they go? Europe and America can’t be trusted after what happened in WW2. Without question the Jews need their own homeland.Anon Israel won all those wars
That has no bearing on the moral rights and wrongs of the situation.Anon You are free to live in Israel as an Arab, there is no religious suppression there,
in theory.
“situation of the Bedouin may be the most poignant, especially since they have lived in Israel’s Negev since long before the state was founded. They have Israeli citizenship, but their nomadic way of life has not blended easily with the norms of a modern state. Although the ancestral lands to which they claim ownership amount to less than 5% of the Negev, many in Israel oppose granting the Bedouin rights to these lands, on which they have dwelt for centuries. Alternatively, they seek to settle them into a few pre-designed townships. Their citizenship is unquestionably second class, especially when one compares their claims to land with those of Jewish settlers, who have established illegal outposts in the West Bank that frequently gain official sanction after the fact.“ Daniel Sokatch New Israel Fund -
List of Critical WTS Teachings
by Vanderhoven7 ini sent a list of statements about current wts teachings to a friend who is being carefully recruited by a seasoned witness.. hi em..... just a quick summary of what all “good” jehovah's witnesses believe...even though some of these things witnesses are not always willing to be transparent about.
this is your crash course.
i have quotations for every item listed if you want or need them.. witnesses believes that:.
.......and Jesus is shortly going to kill the approximately 74 million children and babies in the USA alone (whose parents are not jehovahs witnesses). The governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses are looking forward to assisting him in this task. (See Antony Morris burnt sausages speech)
Why haven't they re-started the 'cart witnessing'?
by eyeslice inwe are nearly 18 months into this pandemic and lot has been learned and our behaviour modified to make things safer for us, e.g.
the wearing of face masks and social distancing.. many countries such as australia, new zealand, the uk and usa either have things under control or have vaccinated a large portion of the population.
therefore, given the very passive nature of the 'cart witnessing', i can't see why this hasn't be re-started.
I think cart work will come back but I do wonder if this is their cue to go into full on "isolationist" cult mode. It's the ideal time to smuggle in dropping the door to door work under the radar.
Ok We already know they're a cult but at least they have some, albeit nominal, contact with the public around their religion, with the potential for meaningful discussion.
That's where the danger lies for the GB as many people are now aware of watchtower's failings
E.g. a couple years ago a young-ish woman knocked at my door and I was able to tell her about the UN scandal. She was shocked. She had literally no idea.
This isn't so likely to happen with cart work because people rarely approach. So it's ideal for watchtower, because it gives the appearance of preaching without risking JWs having to answer some tough questions or being given the facts.
400 Rockets Hit Israel
by minimus inisrael retaliated and some are accusing israel of an “act of terrorism”.
evidently these rockets are trying to get to tel aviv but the dome is getting overwhelmed.. i wonder if the usa and other nations will come to israel’s defense..
Anyone watches Netflix "Fauda"??? Along with Fargo it's one of my favourites (hoping for a season 4 soon)
Do local JWs want in-person meetings back in your congregation?
by JWTom ini realize many here think that in-person meetings will return as soon as things are safe with covid.
but many acknowledge it will likely be 2022 or later when this happens.. surprisingly, many pimi jws in our congregation are not shy about saying they are fine with zoom meetings forever and do not want to go back to in-person meetings.
many speculate similar thoughts that are on this site....such as a combination of in-person and zoom meetings.
As I told my brother who zooms. Just take a picture of yourself in your meeting clothes. Put in front of the camera. Then go do what you want.
Take a few, then change the picture a few times and say your picture keeps freezing😂
If there is a blizzard, instead of canceling the boasting session, they simply use Zoom.
Oh heck that's a good point!!!🙄
I am still not able to solve this God's name paradox...
by psyco ini am finishing to read the entire bible (nwt 2013) for my first time (my fault) and i wrote down hundreds, maybe thousands, of questions not clear to me, but one especially came in my mind meditating on god's name.. if i wanted to summarize the entire bible in one phrase i would say (even before the kingdom): god’s name sanctification.. god is jealous about his name.
he does everything for the love of his name, and he wants to be called and prayed using his name.
no doubt about all this (repeated several times in the bible), but it involves the pronunciation of his name.. god left us his name in the form of יהוה which is unpronounceable.
Think about it, if the pronunciation of god's name was that important, the most important thing to an all knowing, all powerful being ....why didn't he ensure it was clearly stated, kept alive and not altered?
We have thousands of old Greek testament manuscripts from as early as the second century, yet there is not one extant example of the tetragramaton in any of these Greek testament scriptures. Why???
Either God is not all powerful or his name is not that important to him. Really, if you were God would you be worried about your reputation? Would you need to be? Or would a loving God be more preoccupied with the salvation of his children? In other words his kingdom?
I want to help
by Debra inmy name is debra i have been out of this cult for a number of years now but i know how difficult it is for people to have the courage to leave especially if they have family still trapped inside i'd like to help people who may be struggling by offering them a listening ear and some support /friendship via email .
Hello Debra, nice to meet you. It can be really lonely if you're trapped and more so if you have recently exited especially now, during lockdown. I think even though social media is better than nothing, it's no replacement for real human contact. Whether that's letters, phone calls, face to face or even personal emails.
It's very kind of you to offer. Out of interest there is someone on here that runs a support group and they like to have contacts so they know where to send folks local to you when they need help (in your time zone etc). I haven't seen her posting for a while, but you can reach Sherri via JWsurvey.com so it's definitely worth you registering your interest with her. She will want your contact details, however.
Neanderthals carb loaded, helping grow their big brains
by Disillusioned JW insee https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2021/05/neanderthals-carb-loaded-helping-grow-their-big-brains .
the article says in part 'the study is “groundbreaking,” says harvard university evolutionary biologist rachel carmody, who was not part of the research.
the work suggests the ancestors of both humans and neanderthals were cooking lots of starchy foods at least 600,000 years ago.
If a chimp wins masterchef, maybe I'll start taking vegans more seriously.
Well now that's just plain silly.......
........ ...Chimps are not vegetarians