My Grandmother was a devout JW and back in the 90s early when they built Hotels near Patterson, she mumbled they had gotten their last dime from her. Her and my GF had special Pioneered and picked up bottles for return in the 60s so they could pay rent and buy food as the stipend was not even close to enough to support them in the cult work.
Mickbobcat the worst thing is many of those hotel rooms were kept empty. One weekend when New York had severe weather they closed the airport. All the reasonably priced hotels were booked up. A pioneer & her friend who had come to tour Bethel were stuck with no where to stay as their flight home had been cancelled.
She rang Bethel in hopes of finding a bed for the night. Would you believe they told these very young girls, stranded in a strange city, that because they were only "regular" pioneers they could not offer them a bed for the night. Had they been "special" pioneers they could have helped them out!!
And they say that all Jehovah's Witnesses are equal and that they have no special titles!!
Your'll be glad to know that young pioneer is NO LONGER one of Jehovah's witnesses. Wonder why๐