Hi I've only been on here 4 or 5 years but I do love your bio...
Apostate married to JW Living in hell. Like to drink, smoke and cuss. Looking for other apostates to drink, smoke and cuss with.
Hi I've only been on here 4 or 5 years but I do love your bio...
Apostate married to JW Living in hell. Like to drink, smoke and cuss. Looking for other apostates to drink, smoke and cuss with.
watch 1:13:19 bit of publicity never hurt.
they were talking about the catholic church and csa so i put my oar in...... https://youtu.be/yw_1o_5voou.
Watch 1:13:19 Bit of publicity never hurt. They were talking about the Catholic church and CSA so I put my oar in.....
there was a recent legal challenge, brought about by a woman who herself has down's, which sought to overturn this sad state of affairs.. and a few days ago, a judge upheld the original law and denied her legal challenge.
this is pretty sick, don't you think?.
pro-abortion people love to ridicule religious people who claim that life begins at conception, so the obvious question is, when does life actually begin?.
Those who think it's wrong, let me ask....are you willing to adopt these kids then? Once they're born with major heart defects, Vision problems hearing loss, infections, Hypothyroidism, blood disorders, hypotonia (poor muscle tone), problems with the upper part of the spine. It's not just a question of having learning disabilities.
Someone used that lass with downs syndrome who went to court to challenge the law. It must have greatly upset her and it's not something she needed to know. Highly doubtful she found out through her own research.
In the UK it's extremely difficult to find adoptive parents for heathy boys over 3, let alone a downs child. They'd face a life of being in state care and as one who was in care for a while I can tell you it's horrific. When my babies were tested for downs (being an older mother) I had to seriously think about how they would manage after I died. The thought of their lonely struggle. There's many in an adult care facility on my road. Most of them get no visitors of their own (who aren't home volunteers).
ii wonder if you are a jw how new media center goes along with this text.. 1 corinthians 3:6-9new international version.
6 i planted the seed,(a) apollos watered it, but god has been making it grow.
paulus planted.
With all the gripe and objection WT's getting from the rank & file over building this Media Center.
That makes a pleasant change...are they really speaking their minds on this? Many people are out of work or struggling. They don't have an awful lot of spare cash. Tell me what they're saying JWgonebad please?
lots of hospitals have hired jw's as bloodless care manager.
if they find out that a jw agrees to take blood, what is their protocol in such a case?
usa scenario so hippa is a factor.
Road to nowhere Question. Hired? HCLA elders are volunteers, not employees. And they are supposedly for encouragement but the real reason is enforcement.
I think OP was talking about a paid role. Sort of like a transplant co ordinator but for bloodless surgery?
AMous I'm sure you can get individual surgeons to perform bloodless surgery in private hospitals in the UK & EU still - but I suppose it's less...organized, maybe, than in the US?
There are all kinds of little tricks and stuff that protect elders.
Yes I always guessed that was the case. I know Simon is very on the ball about the legal aspect of this type of thing.
And we know it comes under commentary, review and critique fair use but that hasn't stopped Watchtower using their corporate legal weight to try and shut down ex members activities.
I'd love to know if watchtower has ever gone after Simon hard......Simon?
Thank you Atlantis and Petra 🥂 have some nice sparkling Cava with a little lunch 😊
i replied to a lesbian on the quora website who tried to state that god destroyed sodom because of the violent rape the people were trying to commit, not because they were homosexuals.
her argument perperuated so often was that it stated nothing about sex between "two consenting adults".
but, instead of using the bible scriptures such as a man shall not lay down with another as a woman, i used something else you never hear anyone use.... i told her to look to genesis 6:1-4 .
Free will? Really?;Hmmmm....
The Tower of Babel
The Flood
Sodom and Gommah
Paul being struck down with a 'Vision'
Pharaoh's heart being hardened
David made to take the census (result: 1000s deaths)
David's murdered baby
I could go on. Where was this vaunted free will in these cases??
anyone remembers a group of jw's working outside of the jws called twmc (two witnesses must come).
they had a presence on the net in the 1990s, using various forums.
they published the report.
Interesting. Never heard of them. What does this report say? Watchtower always denied break off groups but they very much existed.
it was made by a women who in later years wore crotchless panties and bras which had holes in the nipple areas.
he not only knew the woman in question (she's now deceased), he has met her numerous times.
up until recently this secret of her year's long sexual affair with rutherford was kept by the family.
Just to say the guy that said he was a relative of Berta Peale was Julian Watson. All his videos have been taken down from You tube. Wish I'd downloaded the one on Berta.
well, it has happened.. workers in these industries will be forced to vax or lose their employment.. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-10-01/victoria-which-authorised-workers-mandatory-vaccination-onsite/100506980.
i'm glad to be out of the workforce.. never thought it would come to this in a supposed democratic society.. no wonder protests and law suits are increasing in intensity.
like for fucks sake,,, a worker at a takeaway bottle / liquor shop.
This whole thing is insanity. Even Russia and China have not mandated the vaccine. Yet it's happening in Australia, Britain and America.
I am not anti vaccine. I was a guinea pig for the first flu vaccine back in the late 80s.
But this? Forcing medical treatment in the "free world"? I never EVER thought I'd live to see it.