Watchtower and Watch Tower stockholders do not receive returns from owning stock. It gives them voting rights only, and that for corporate officers. It gives them no say in doctrine or anything else. They can be deprived of their shares at will. Even if they attend the annual meeting, they must fill out a proxy first. Proxies always give the Governing Body or their representatives power to vote their shares. It is for legal form only
Yes Vienne. There's no conspiracy here. The truth is much simpler. Peter Bonnachi the ex Bible Student is just another stooge for Lloyd. A saddo he used in order to get in to Warwick. He stayed rent free with him locally and obviously got the pathetic man to report the VAA to the police and cause trouble for them.
In the same way he rang up the BBC reporter and told them not to interview Marc Latham when Mark had been working on the CSA issues (maybe IICSA connected?). Anyway just indicative of his jealousy of any other Hack-tivism he's not benefitting financially or otherwise from.