Tibor just proves you people love to speculate a lot more than you like actual proof. Especially when it goes against crazy theories like Lloyd using my name which I could easily sue him over.
😂💞LOve it. You guys over in Croatia have some strange legal theories. Anyone can use the name "Tibor" on a forum....it's not Trade Marked, you know.
Look, you're obviously pretty young, still being at college (probably why Lloyd employs you for less. He's as tight as a fishes ass). The reason Lloyd is so disliked goes back a long way, Tibor. One example: another activist was in touch with a journalist who was interested in doing a piece on Watchtower & CSA when Lloyd contacted said journalist behind the other activist's back, and bad mouthed him. So the journalist dropped the article altogether.
That's about the shittiest thing any so-called activist can do.
It's just a business for Lloyd. There's very little he adds to the conversation. Most of the hard work was done by people long before he came along. He tries to drive off the real competition & corner the market. He appears to "work" with others - but only those with no financial interest in their work and whom he will never have to renumerate. Worse some of them, such as Sherry, have actually financially supported him, paying for trips to Australia etc. He had zero interest in helping individuals until Sherry offered to do that side of things for him - so it gives the appearance he 'helps' people.
It's purely about the money for him. Which is ironic since that's exactly what he accuses watchtower of.
Kim Silvio It’s comments like these from Mark that make me uncomfortable.
Whilst Mark O Donnel is an incredibly hard worker and has done much for CSA victims (with, I may say, a hell of a lot of help from his wife) I find this comment disappointing also. Because the fact is he is no more educated than Mike or Kim and we know why....because Watchtower proscribed it. So I find it incredibly unfair of him and he should know better, frankly. He may understand the workings of a Cong but merely because his father was an elder and he still has all his papers. It's hardly something to crow about.
This is why I love Atlantis and Kim Silvio, Paul Grundy, AvoidJW.org, Simon etc and Kim & Mike too so much they absolutely don't let their ego's get the better of them. Atlantis shares his info with everyone, too!
"Activism" seems to turn some people's heads. They suddenly become self important and forget they rely on others for their sources and the community for giving them an audience. However when they do the work for nothing, as Mark does, I feel gratitude toward them and I believe it comes from a genuine place. I think Mark may have down voted things because he still has loyalty toward Lloyd as a friend.
Tibor is just a kid trying to pay his way through college, I imagine. He has no idea about Lloyds history and he's too young to fully comprehend the suffering of those Thai prostitutes, or the connection between grooming, child abuse and modern slavery/trafficking.
Kim Silvio that elephant video was the bomb!! Lloyd loves to virtue signal about the mote in everyone else's eyes, Yet he cannot pull out the beam in his own!!
You've raised an incredible daughter who is married to what seems to be a very good guy
Yes Sometimes the best we can do is make sure our own children get an education. As Mike and Kim have done