Stan The Man here in the UK it was all doing well up to 2019---gone to pieces since.
Couldn't agree more
Slim1990s was the best decade ever
Agree even more 😁
in the us, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age.
they were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
Stan The Man here in the UK it was all doing well up to 2019---gone to pieces since.
Couldn't agree more
Slim1990s was the best decade ever
Agree even more 😁
original reddit post (removed).
He’s always leaned heavily on the altruistic nature of what he does and even had Paul Grundy come on here stating he could be earning so much more in the secular world.
That's just deluded. Even in the UK he would struggle with no professional qualifications - plus he doesn't even have a bachelor's. But he's not in the UK he's in Croatia. Where he's futher disabled by the language barrier, the fact it's a rural area & poorer economy in general. I got the impression he left the UK in part due to debt issues.
With the money he's making now he's like a pig in shit. He's his own boss & even had the arrogance to expect his unpaid 'employees' to do his dirty work by sorting his wife out so she gets with the programme, too!
As for spending his money how he wishes, that's not the impression his patreon statement gives, for one. But anyway any number of professions, particularly those connected with child welfare, expect some degree of ethical behaviour in your private life.
Doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, physio's, social workers and policemen can't double life like Jehovah's witnesses can - (unless you're the Bad Lieutenant!)
what new light from jehovah did you find hard to swallow?.
the conversations in the attached video are enlightening.
the graphic is hilarious..
Indomitable Fish She calls pretending she has questions. It’s a lie. She knows her answers. Her real purpose is to challenge JW and advocate her beliefs
I agree I find the conversations uncomfortable listening, because her presentation is too aggressive. The witness will just switch off because they will sense "apostate". She simply knows too much.
The truth should be able to withstand scrutiny
I agree Carla it should indeed and most Christians are happy and willing to discuss and debate their beliefs. However Witnesses are in a cult. It's like an addiction or an eating disorder - you have to be careful of what you say because you can drive them in harder.
original reddit post (removed).
Remember he had a counter or something on his timeline, counting how many days with no response and then said something about how THEY were failing DV victims?
Literally, said that SHELTERS, whose sole purpose is to help victims, were the ones failing them simply because they weren't giving Lloyd attention.
Sorry, but....are you f#cking kidding me? He DID that?? What a git.
They wouldn't even notice it merely by tagging the shelter anyway, too busy. These under funded places don't have 'social media managers' FFS. He can't quietly email them the info, because that doesn't get him any attention which is his primary reason for what he writes. Not protecting DV victims
original reddit post (removed).
Besides, what are you gonna do if a UK government agency decides to come down on men like you as hard as you want them to do with the JWs? Human trafficking and sex tourism are all part of CSA, so be careful what you wish for, you filthy ass.
Under the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 sex tourists who abuse minors can be prosecuted in the UK even if the act was legal in Thailand. There's no way on god's green earth they will allow that man within a mile of anything to do with combatting child abuse as a Thai sex pest tourist. Sickening.
Anyone who works with children and does not report child sexual abuse should be prosecuted, the final report of a huge, seven-year inquiry has recommended.
Sounds pretty good to me. They only have powers to recommend, not to dictate sentences. He has such a cheek to complain.
anyone who works with children and does not report child sexual abuse should be prosecuted, the final report of a huge, seven-year inquiry has recommended.. this could be huge for elders in the uk.
I should note that the recommendation regarding 'mandated reporters' would not include Jehovah's Witnesses as they are neither a regulated activity in relation to children, nor in a position of trust (as defined by the Sexual Offences Act 2003
Elders are in a position of trust. Surely you are not suggesting they aren't? I thought that had been established in the majority of western cases. Watchtower's elders 'are clergy/are not clergy' manoeuvres have been found out and debunked!
In the UK we don't have mandatory reporting in all cases for the reasons Earnest noted in bold type above. Victims and families/child services have fears around teenage relationships where, for example, a teenaged girl and her boyfriend of similar age may be reluctant to access contraception for fear of being reported.
as many probably remember, in 2018-2020, multiple kingdom and assembly halls were set on fire in the state of washington, so fbi, atf, local sheriff and arson alarm foundation offered $61,000 in rewards for information leading to arrest of the arsonist.
the attacks (seven arsons and one shooting) included:.
march 19, 2018: two arson attacks - one at a tumwater kingdom hall and the second at a kingdom hall on cain road in olympia.
Obviously suffering with some form of psychosis. In the UK he wouldn't be considered well enough to face charges or would be found not guilty by reason of insanity.
I really think this whole hate crime thing is completely inappropriate because he could have gotten an obsession with next doors parrot. It's quite common for schizophrenics to get obsessions with things connected with ex boyfriends or girlfriends. I'll put money on this 'ex girlfriend' being a five minute high school crush, that's the age range in their lives they seem to focus on. Bloody sad.
original reddit post (removed).
Lot disappears into the mountains for awhile then comes back with two pregnant daughters. He has to say something but can't just admit "Oh yeah, I raped both of them until they got pregnant..."
So, he does the usual thing child rapists do... says it was their idea, they seduced him, they wanted it, he had no choice but to go along, yada yada yada.
Whether Lot knew or didn't know because he was drunk is not an issue. He knew because he was the aggressor, not them. I'd buy that he was drunk but that's probably what added to him deciding to rape his daughters. But them conspiring together and consenting to having sex with him? Bull. Shit. He raped his daughters and then blamed them for it.
Particularly given girls would be 'maids' for such a brief time and most married off by 15, they weren't exactly 'cougars'🙄
I always thought it was also highly suss his misses winds up dead just before he knocks up his children.
How on earth is this a good man? Yet being gay is bad?!!!
original reddit post (removed).
Wall.E. I certainly wouldn't agree you are "the new Lloyd Evans"🤣😭, for any number of reasons that would be obvious to anyone on this site.
However I will take one aspect of your question that has a serious element to it.
How does one make you tube content about CSA in a way that isn't, not doesn't look, exploitative. (First off I have to say anyone aware of the sort of editing hours videos such as yours require, compared with the financial remittance you'd receive, would put any ideas of a financial incentive right out of their heads!!)
So perhaps your concern stems from the fact that much of your content is light hearted, or at least if the subject matter is serious you have an upbeat and entertaining way with your presentation? In almost all situations this is a net positive, but I can understand if you feel a little out of your depth?( I seem to recall you've been to college so you may have some training in psychology? So I may be off here)
I know you've made anothet channel, a JW streaming channel with Alt Worldly. So what about a similar thing of doing another channel dedicated to CSA and news around CSA with others experienced in this field? I know it's heavy weight. I'm wondering if Barb and some of the survivors could oversee it, and then you yourself could do the "interviews" because you have a compassionate way about you W and a definite skill and ability in front of the camera? We could have some researchers to report on cases or law changes etc, for instance the recent change in Illinois whereby elders must complete a mandatory reporters training course etc
Just an idea.
I know it's time consuming etc but I just think it's going to take multiple skill sets to tackle something like CSA & do it the justice it deserves. Whatever anyone says, though, in my view your skill is empathy with person you are conversing with and putting them at ease. You cannot fake that Wall. E.
watchtower has just lost its appeal in the norwegian courts over the withdrawal of the funding it receives from the government as an officially recognised religion.
the initial decision will now stand due to what the court termed 'exclusionary practices' which includes the witnesses barbaric practice of shunning minors, even by family members in their own homes.
the ministry of children and families have decided they are now no longer eligible for the state grant of 16 million norwegian kroner given to officially recognised religions.. the following is a statement has been issued, i have summarised if it isn't readable: .
Indomitable Fish We put children in jail or in custody when they commit crimes. Is that abuse? They put parents of children in jail when parents commit crimes separating from parents and arresting in front of children.
In jailing parents courts take child welfare into account, which is why they rarely jail mothers for minor crimes. But anyway kids still have the right to visit, telephone & write to their jailed parents and vice versa!!! Even an expelled child can talk to his friends outside of school, let alone family!!
This religion mandates the shunning of minors. It happens in the home, even! Witnesses throwing out DF 16 & 17 year olds is common.