LUHE The following is a summary of a large Swedish Study covering two periods regarding offending rates of post transition biological males. A Texas study found the same results. The following is a quote taken from the study:
"primary purpose of the study was to consider whether medical transition helps patients (leads to better social and health outcomes) and to inform what support they might need post transition. It is methodologically robust, peer reviewed, large scale comparative source on offending rates comparing transwomen and women. It compared the likelihood of a person having one or more criminal convictions, and convictions for violent crime (defined as “homicide and attempted homicide, aggravated assault and assault, robbery, threatening behaviour, harassment, arson, or any sexual offense”).
The study can be divided into two cohorts 1973-1988 and 1989-2003 with the difference being that the latter cohort received adequate mental health provision. The findings show that transsexual individuals were more likely to be criminal than non-transsexuals of the same birth sex in the first cohort (1973-1988), and no different from their birth sex in the second group (1989-2003)