To psacramento:
“No where is it stated that Jesus is God, no where, It may be "implied" if one chooses to interpret it that way, but it is never stated as such.”
I found your statement very interesting. But let me see, does the bible state jesus is GOD or not? Where?...i found many scriptures that clearly stated HE is GOD…but instead of telling you those scriptures I will help you find them with a couple of clues…
First, we know Jesus was a jew, spoke jew, was familiar with OT scripotures and every tiny and bigl law written in the mosaic law and yet fulfill every law. Can a god or merely man do that?
Second, every time the Pharisees tried to rebuke him in breaking a law he had a righteous justification to tell his accusers they were wrong and why he was right. Who else could perfectly apply the law in every aspect?
third, since jesus was a jew, he clearly told the leaders(pharisees, saduces, etc) in that time he was GOD in their own understanding and language, not ours, example, before Abraham was I am and so on…. We can argue about the greek “I am” vs the “I am” from exodus but instead lets analyzed the context…
in other words what I am trying to tell you is…put on a jew mind set and thinking abilities, then you will see your error. Find what it means, Son of GOD, I am, Son of Man, My father and I are one, etc... to the jews back then. In order to appreciate the trinity or the deity of Christ we have to cross from our time and culture to Jesus time and culture and may be even back to Adam and Eve.
And now a little interpretation: You can't have God without Jesus, nor Jesus without God….i like that I never see it that way…