English is officially available, albeit only the formats specifically designed for visually impaired (RTF and BRL). PDF, JWPUB and EPUB still in pending.
it was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. .
https://smallpdf.com/result#r=c90d948913ed99d72872c0a1c609f388&t=share-document .
English is officially available, albeit only the formats specifically designed for visually impaired (RTF and BRL). PDF, JWPUB and EPUB still in pending.
it was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. .
https://smallpdf.com/result#r=c90d948913ed99d72872c0a1c609f388&t=share-document .
True, but the announcement did not go into the reason behind it. That is why I explained it.
In the meantime, the August Watchtower is out in 16 languages. The most recent is Spanish—the first major language for this issue: https://d34ji3l0qn3w2t.cloudfront.net/277518a9-528b-4606-924b-52d3f305d9e0/1/w_S_202408.pdf
it was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. .
https://smallpdf.com/result#r=c90d948913ed99d72872c0a1c609f388&t=share-document .
These changes were already pretty well known months ago. Now that they are being officially announced in the WT, does that mean that the secret elders ' manual will now be amended to reflect the changes? When we were having this discussion months ago, an amended version of the manual came out, but it did not echo these changes.
Yes, the October 2024 update of the elder's manual will no doubt reflect these changes. The April 2024 update of the Shepherd book could not have already contained the changes, because it was printed in January (as per the date on the QR code on the back cover), and the changes were announced in March.
it was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. .
https://smallpdf.com/result#r=c90d948913ed99d72872c0a1c609f388&t=share-document .
Assuming this leaked August 2024 Watchtower is legit
I can confirm and assure you that it is legit. The machine-translated PDF Atlantis posted was processed starting from the actual Tagalog (Filipino) edition of the magazine: https://d34ji3l0qn3w2t.cloudfront.net/e2678173-85cb-4413-ae25-336c2102660e/1/w_TG_202408.pdf
Chaka of the "Anthory Morris Returns" YouTube channel released a video where he and Arthur discussed some of the stuff in the articles based also on the actual Cibemba translation (Chaka is originally from Zambia and Cibemba is a major Zambian language). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTm_kZCHt2w
it was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. .
https://smallpdf.com/result#r=c90d948913ed99d72872c0a1c609f388&t=share-document .
Wt has realesed article 9 languages but not in english?
They didn't release them officially. They just uploaded them to the content delivery network (hosted in a rented cloud powered by Amazon Web Services). I suppose we will see many more languages coming on Monday. After most of the languages are posted, then will they release the magazine by creating its entry on the main jw.org web site.
does anyone have access to available pre-recordings from the 2024 regional convention?.
Upload in progress: https://mab.to/t/zRu5QlFCG7e/eu1
does anyone have access to available pre-recordings from the 2024 regional convention?.
Yes, I have the full convention... downloaded it myself directly from JW Stream.
does anyone have access to available pre-recordings from the 2024 regional convention?.
Here is Sunday Afternoon Part 2: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/3017b3b7cc6a7224170ca73face6405420240609141932/86b81a
2024-04-april-announcements and reminders.. languagesafrikaanshttps://pdfupload.io/docs/a85be9ff armenianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/fe57b8a6 chinesehttps://pdfupload.io/docs/e5da00d7 croatianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/452fd4d5 danishhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/a6b8ec28 dutchhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/3ff82dfb englishhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/ef235dbd filipinohttps://pdfupload.io/docs/8a7ebe43 frenchhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/7a04d7bf germanhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/f27daee9 greekhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/02b3db31 haitian creolehttps://pdfupload.io/docs/ae1d93e2 hebrewhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/aecdecf1 hungarianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/fb8eb105 italianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/0bb5d16e japanesehttps://pdfupload.io/docs/6c8d05f3 norwegianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/03ff27f9 polishhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/3e645e96 portuguesehttps://pdfupload.io/docs/541375d0 russianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/be7e2a5c spanishhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/6de127bf ukrainianhttps://pdfupload.io/docs/88b19d49 grandpa!
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
mikejw Lloyd still thinks the official doctrine is that only baptised JWs will survive
However, to have a guaranteed hope for salvation, one must still take a stand for Jehovah (i.e. become one of Jehovah's Witnesses). The May 2024 Watchtower makes this clear in study article 19. What has changed is the understanding that individuals can make up their minds even after the great tribulation begins.