When the Catholic church baptises adults they generally wait till Easter season. If there are good reasons they will opt to do it during the year, but mostly during Holy week (the week prior to Easter). Once a year. And with classes for several months before. The witnesses are getting more like the Catholics as they go along.
JoinedPosts by bsmart
Baptisms only at regional ( district ) assemblies from 2014 / 15 service year?
by dozy injust a rumour but i guess it makes sense - i've a friend on a circuit committee ( he knows it's not "the truth" but for family & work reasons he stays in ) & he says that the wtbts have told them not to book a swimming pool for next years one day assemblies as the plan is to have only one baptism a year at the main regional ( what they used to call "district" ) convention.. with the drop off in baptisms so that sometimes there isn't anyone baptised or just a handful , i guess this is inevitable.
i remember going to a baptism a few years ago - we had hired a municipal 25 metre swimming pool and only one person ( a rather confused and scared middle aged lady who hadn't been in a swimming pool since her youth ) was being baptised - it was all something of a farce with the "worldly" staff looking on very puzzled at such an elaborate & expensive ceremony for one person.
) also with both assemblies being one day with just short morning & afternoon sessions , i suppose it is sensible to ditch the baptism talk - it tends to be something of a snoozefest anyway at the end of the morning session.
by ThomasCovenant inafter hearing of the sad news about farkel i thought i'd revisit the 'best of' section to see the 'best of farkel'... .
i seem to be redirected to the log in page.
i think i may have asked about this before a few months or years ago, not sure.
I just go to search if I have an idea of who and a subject in particular. It isn't always the best way to do it. If I bookmark a page that impressed me that helps sometimes.
You can get to "Best of " in jehovahs-witness.com but I always come back to .net because I know my way around here. Simon will fix it. It will take some time because he actually has a real job and family.
New Article: Jehovah's Witnesses a Study in Hypocrisy
by daringhart13 inwould love your feedback!.
http://darrinhart.hubpages.com/hub/jehovahs-witnesses-a-study-in-hypocrisy .
Just type the terms into the search engine at the top of this page. You will find at least a dozen links to check out.
The stocks were donated to the "society" and it produced a good income. They kept the stocks... Its all about the money!
Japan Lost 500 Congregations!!!!
by metatron indo the math:.
1998 - 3,802 congregations (1999 yrbook figure) .
(drum roll, please).
So does anyone know how the count is these days??
DA Letter Based on the "Blood Issue"
by watson ina must read.
grab a cup of coffee, it's lengthy.. http://newsblaze.com/story/20081209054218zzzz.nb/topstory.html.
from a "non apostate" news board..
Great post, bumping it for the newbies
Taking a new look at "the last days"
by JeffT ina different view of matthew 24. a striking feature of all this writing (the new testament) is that it was dine in the street language of the day, the idiom of the playground and marketplace.
in the greek-speaking world of that day there were two levels of language: formal and informal.
formal language was used to write philosophy and history, government decrees and epic poetry.
I really like the The Message Bible.
Duncan - Part III - Into Thin Hair
by hillary_step inthe 70s passed by in a haze of bad fashions and flaccid watchtower excess.
i tried hard to be bright-boy, thinking somehow that i was pleasing the inhabitants of heaven by doing so, and was rapidly pushed up jacobs corporate ladder, somehow without ever having to put my foot on a rung.
regular pioneer, ms, infant elder, special pioneer, temporary co, special branch assignments, they dropped on me with a rapidity that took away my senses.
Word candy indeed! I am sorry he doesnt post any more.... Perhaps we will find Hilary's prose elsewhere on the web someday.
What's The Worst Scandal You Know Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus in.....whether it be in the congregation or from "headquarters"?
Anything new but the Conti case?
questions from readers
by peacefulpete infor the past few years the questions from readers in the wt have been pathetic rehashes of old material, or just stupid newbie quetions answered in the pe book.
i know that they must be getting thouands of well thought out questions from sincere readers, yet none of these questions make the column.
i know that this is not surprising to many here.
I have never sent a letter, but find it amazing that so many have had such an experience.
What do Baptists believe?
by quellycatface ini'm thinking about going to church again because i'm really interested in god (today)!!.
sometimes i'm so confused and feel like there is no god, other days i do and want to try and get to know him.. i guess i'm scared because of all the bs that went on in the kh.. there is a local baptist church near me that seems nice.
i'm in the uk.
Gumby is back!!!!