gnat: you can be a 'regular' Christian, but I cannot be a 'true' Christian? Is a regular one a true or false one?
JoinedPosts by godrulz
by Chariklo ini am new to this site, just finding my way around.. i've been studying with jw's for about 15 months.
i'm an unbaptised publisher, and until recently never missed a meeting, have been out "on the service" quite a lot.
i've been having difficulties with one of the jw's studying with me and something happened which was just unacceptable.
The Christian Onslaught
by satinka in*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Jesus is love and holiness incarnate. Some JUST see Him as a baby in the manger and assume that the Father is the OT meanie. Jesus is also Judge and wrath is part of that. Those who do not condemn heinous evil do not understand basic issues such as love, mercy, justice, deterrence, righteousness, etc.
Correctomongo: What is the biblical view? We should be able to support or refute it from verses in context (exegesis vs eisegesis). There is one correct view and many false views.
Life after death
by truthseeker ineveryone has different views about life after death and whether or not it is a possibility.. as jehovah's witnesses, we were always taught that there is no life after death, that this is the only life we have now and that the wages of sin is death.. .
what are your views on life after death?.
Consider the genre of the proof text, who was saying it, and at what stage of his life he said it. Notice he also said that all is meaningless, a statement contrary to divine revelation.
The Bible/Jesus has clearly revealed who He is. God wants us to know/worship Him in spirit and in truth. We can show how and why Islam, Buddhism, JW/WT, Mormon/LDS, Hinduism, etc. have counterfeit gods/christs. Blurring the distinction between truth and error is not helpful. The perspicuity of Scripture and the illumination of the Holy Spirit allows us to know the truth about who Jesus is and what He has done. There is no more important issue. Trusting a counterfeit is worthless. Jesus warned about false messiahs (He did not validate them as equal to Himself). Paul warned about false gospels and Christs. He preached the true gospel and Christ and so should we. Those who think all views are equally valid or that we cannot know the truth about this basic issue are ignorant or lazy. We do not have to understand the details of the hypostatic union or homoousias (triune issue), but we do have to decide if Jesus is Almighty God, uncreated Creator or created being/angel/mere man/mere teacher. Jesus did not leave us with options: He is either liar, legend, lunatic, or LORD God Almighty. The Arian view is not a viable option and was condemned centuries ago. Those who have the truth can spot a lie.
The Case for the Deity of Christ (one can reject the Bible, Christ's claims, etc., but at least understand what it actually teaches).
On the Deity of Christ (Machen)
I have studied this for decades. It should take minutes, but one should prioritize settling this salvific issue. The relativists are simply wrong and overreacting to WT dogmatism/error.
Life after death
by truthseeker ineveryone has different views about life after death and whether or not it is a possibility.. as jehovah's witnesses, we were always taught that there is no life after death, that this is the only life we have now and that the wages of sin is death.. .
what are your views on life after death?.
It will be too late. Now is the time to sort it out. We can trust the One who has died and is now risen from the dead. He has revealed the truth on the matter.
Life after death
by truthseeker ineveryone has different views about life after death and whether or not it is a possibility.. as jehovah's witnesses, we were always taught that there is no life after death, that this is the only life we have now and that the wages of sin is death.. .
what are your views on life after death?.
5th Nov.: You have ostrich syndrome. You are believing a lie and will be in for a rude awakening. You can deny gravity, but it will affect you if you jump off a cliff. You can deny God, life after death, etc., but it will not change the fact that you have a spirit-soul that will live beyond your body. This is not a fear tactic, but reality. Those who have a Christian worldview have abundant life now and eternal life later. We have a purpose for living (love/glorify God, etc.) and are more than hairless apes who will end up being dead dogs in the ground. You are fooling yourself and ignoring God's revelation on the subject. I could deny I have cancer or that I will not die, but this does not change the reality of it (I might fool myself into happiness, but it would be illusory and a feeble foundation).
What say you Christians ???
by wobble init seems to me that most, if not all christians are really hung up on sin and redemption from sin and how naturally evil we all are.. my question, and observation is this : i had nothing to do with whatever you say adam and eve did wrong, i have always, throughout my life, treated whoever i came into contact with compassion, respect and love.. i have lived by the golden rule.. not many people, hand on heart, can say that, i can.. so, is your god going to judge me for the "sin" of some mythical forebears of mine ?
is he going to say that , because i did not believe in him, i willl be judged adversely, even though i lived by the precepts he is supposed to support ?.
all i can say is, if your god is like that, i refuse to worship or acknowledge him.. and i certainly do not want to get to know him.
Babies lack moral and mental capacity to make significant choices. They are dependent on adults for basic needs. As they grow, there intelligence, conscience, options, physical abilities, etc. grow exponentially. It is a logical fallacy to equate a fetus with a mature adult. Babies don't have a choice to be born, but adults make choices all of the time. What IS your point? Using your logic, why should I have a choice to marry, love or hate God, etc. if an aborted fetus or puppy does not?
The Christian Onslaught
by satinka in*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Sataninka: Love is not divorced from holiness. Jesus is not meek and mild, little manger child. The greatest wrath is seen by Jesus in the book of Revelation. He is love incarnate, but He had harsh, condemning, damning words, especially for religious leaders. The GB is in big doo doo and their followers are also without excuse, though somewhat less culpable as victims.
The Christian Onslaught
by satinka in*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
We can agree on this, but still disagree as to who the real God/Christ is. If you are a Mormon or Muslim, you would still be wrong (just in a different way). If Ray Franz rejected many WT distinctives, he would still be fatally wrong if he retained WT ideas on God, Spirit, Jesus, Michael, etc. (more important than secondary issues like blood, holidays, GB, etc.).