I agree that a big problem is the semantical barriers with the kingdom of the cults. When a Christian talks about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, salvation, grace, etc., we mean different things than Mormons and JWs. The answer is not to avoid using biblical terms, but defining them in the right way. Just because there are pseudo-Christians is not a reason not to use the word (though with Muslims, it would be wiser to use follower of Jesus in addition to properly defining Christian apart from sinful Westerners). If a JW wants to talk about God's active force, I will talk about the person of the Holy Spirit. If they talk about Michael-Jesus, I will be clear that Michael is not Jesus (not avoid mentioning the Archangel). We should watch for JW buzzwords, but we don't have to learn them all if we clarify what we mean by terms to avoid misunderstanding. JW disfellowshipping is not biblical, but there is a biblical counterpart we could connect to the word.