dog, your view cannot explain why God arbitrarily saves some, but damns many others that He could save if He would only will it. It limits God's provision and love to an elite elect. It is contradicted by many verses that show that God wants all to be saved, commands all to repent/believe, etc.
Eph. 2:8-10 Based on Greek grammar (antecedents), salvation, not faith, is a gift of God. Receiving a free gift (Rom. 6:23) is not a meritorious work. God alone provides and initiates salvation, but faith vs unbelief is a manward issue. By receiving grace or ceasing to resist it, reciprocal love relationship is maintained (vs deterministic causation that makes God's choices arbitrary vs loving/just). In no way does this mean we initiate, earn, or provide it. The grounds (Godward/reason by which) for salvation are grace/person and work of Christ. The conditions of salvation (not without which/manward) are repentant faith/continuance in faith, not works (this is not portrayed as a gift, but as a mental-volitional response to the work of God that is non-coercive, just influential).
Do you believe in TULIP? You did not answer my Christological question, so this peripheral debate is a waste of time at the moment (and moot, non-salvific compared to the Deity of Christ).