- It would bring shame and reproach upon Jehovah's Organization
I think the elder already did that with this shameful behavior. The sister needs to get a lawyer.
i would be interested in your opinion of the following:.
a friend told me about an incident that had happened in a neighbouring congregation.
she told me that a sister from the congregation needed to get back to work after a meeting but discovered that she was boxed in.
- It would bring shame and reproach upon Jehovah's Organization
I think the elder already did that with this shameful behavior. The sister needs to get a lawyer.
i would be interested in your opinion of the following:.
a friend told me about an incident that had happened in a neighbouring congregation.
she told me that a sister from the congregation needed to get back to work after a meeting but discovered that she was boxed in.
This sister needs a lawyer. First, the car was on Kingdom Hall property. Second, a representative of the congregation took it upon himself to move the car. Third, I don't buy the insurance company's excuse that the sister was not driving the car, insurance is on your car, not you.
At the first meeting with the lawyer the sister should ask for an opinion letter on what her rights are and what the responsibilities of all parties involved are:
1. Her insurance company.
2. The elder.
3. The congregation that the elder was representing on the night in question.
I know the way my insurance company works, if I have a claim, I make it to the insurance company, if the insurance company feels that there are other responsbile parties then it is up to them to go after those they are holding responsible.
If the insurance company has to pay the claim then THEY will go after the elder and the congregation.
If the insurance company is not liable then both the congregation and the elder are liable. The lawyer should send letters to that effect to: 1. The elder, 2. The PO of the congregation. 3. The city overseer.
In the lawyers letter he should mention the brush off that the elder gave the sister.
If the elder has insurance, his insurance may cover the accident. My insurance covers any car I drive.
The scriptural admonition not to be taking each other to court does not apply to matters like this. Also, getting a lawyer to press someone for your rights is not the same as taking someone to court.
If the insurance company is not liable then the congregation has to make this right as the elder was operating on their behalf. They won't of course, which is why the sister will need the lawyer.
another time & place.
20-25 years ago in a conservative "god's country" us state.
a look around the kingdom hall could easily identify the theocratic pecking order.. .
I never bought into the briefcase thing. I had a Bible and if I remembered or coudl find it a song book.
I didn't like selling magazines so I only took the Bible in field service.
but he was worldly.
i am 38 and single because i was waiting on jehovah to provide a husband for me.
a few years ago i met the man of my dreams.
you aren't seriously telling someone to go LOOK for a JW man for a mate? Are you a sadist? The lady is far better off to find a real man who puts his wife and family first and doesn't believe this "putting Jehovah first" (whatever in the fuck that means) nonsense.
Shame on you.
hi all, this might be a silly question but i am honestly thinking about it.
i don't believe in god or angels but i am still curious as to this: the bible says that the stars are too many to number but that god knows them all "even by name".
logically then he would know the names of all his myriads of angels, right?
Angels and demons have names, but use them at your peril. Their names have power, they are not like names of humans. If you utter the name of a demon you summon up the demon's power and perhaps the demon itself. Same with angels. Only, are angels "good"? Most descriptions of encounters with supernatural beings depict creatures of tremendous malevolence.
So use names of supernatural beings WISELY.
There are sources for thousands of names of demons and angels. And no, I won't give you the sources, fooling with names of power is not for the novice.
but he was worldly.
i am 38 and single because i was waiting on jehovah to provide a husband for me.
a few years ago i met the man of my dreams.
I am 52 and married and I can safely say that having a good marriage depends on so much more than relgious beliefs. My wife could be a nudist moon worshipper and I could care less (hmm, maybe I will plant nudist moon worshipper literature around the house).
We have a great marriage because we are both fun loving, happy go lucky, big hearted people who love to laugh and make others feel happy.
If you have that certain something with a mate the religion won't be an issue.
THe WTBTS is so wrong about this issue, as most everything.
Go find you a man that makes your heart jump out of your skin and let love sort the rest out. Jehovah won't do it.
i,ve got old bound wt,s awakes and other books and mags dating back to the early 50's, it's taking up quite a bit of space and i don't know what to do with it.
i had thought of setting it alight but i'm not sure if it would burn, it would also be a waste of a perfectly good match.
could anybody give me any ideas please..
sell them on ebay. lots of people collect that old literature
i haven't posted much here but i feel like i need some support right now.
i did post my story, but basically i'm 27, married for 7 years and i was df'd in july.
i always knew i didn't want to be a jw but went along with everything because of fear.
Hi Jen,
Your parents will be wishy washy on how they treat you because the WTBTS is dishonest about it. In the literature, the WTBTS walks right up to telling parents that their DF'd children are dead to them, but doesn't actually come right out and say that. The WTBTS is sneaky and they fill in the blanks in talks and comments from the platform. Then later when someone says "You teach that parents are to treat DF'd children as if they are dead" the WTBTS claims innocence and says "We didn't SAY that (in the publications)". But, they are lying because they did say it in public talks either in the congregations or at assemblies.
Then, every once in a while when public exposure on this issue becomes too much, they will publish a "let them return to Jehovah...." article that they don't really mean. They won't actuallly follow up on it. So the family of DF'd people will soften their hearts a little until the next "Are you keeping the congregation clean...." nonsense.
It is a cruel game that the WTBTS plays.
Your parents are just caught up in an emotional roller coaster.
What I don't get is how they use your children as pawns in this.
If it were me I would tell my parents, "if you want my children in your life then they have to be all the way in your life or they are not in your life".
Someone on here made a great post the other day about telling his family words to that effect. I don't remember it exactly now. That way you can put the burden on them and take it off your own shoulders. You didn't do anything wrong.
I'm sorry you are going through this.
according to the "new" light of the wts some of the "remant" will still be alive when armageddon breaks out.. on page 352 of the book "you may survive armegeddon onto god's new world" it says that the remnant has to die so they can be resurrected with a "sprirual body".. .
this sounds like yet another doctrinal discrepancy to me.. .
I just love these JWs with their "if you weren't such an idiot" attitudes.
"but we were born into sin so we had no choice"
You really need to read Romans 9. This is not our game, played by our rules. God is sovereign, not man.
Yes, I have read Romans, about 1,000 times. I've also read Romans chapter 5. "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned..." Seems pretty clear to me, we are all born into sin because your god chose to punish Adam and Eve's offspring for Adam and Eve's transgressions in the garden of Eden. Not really sure how that was my fault.
We are born with the knowledge of good and evil. So we are responsible for our own actions. We are condemned by our own sin, not the sin of others.
Not according to Romans chapter 5. We are condemned by Adam's sin.
The wages of sin is the SECOND death.
Please tell me where a scripture can be found that says this? Romans 6:23 does not say SECOND death. If the wages of sin is death, then at my death I have paid for my sins, you can't then resurrect me and try me for the sins I just paid for and then condemn me to everlasting punishment.
God's free gift is life. We do not deserve life but through God's grace, made possible by the sacrafice of Christ and given to us according to our faith (which is also a gift from God), we will be given life. Not the death that we all deserve.
Your god claims that we all deserve death because of Adam's rebellion. Sorry, I don't buy that one. I'm not responsible for what the fictional character Adam did or did not do. The whole garden of Eden story makes no sense anyway. Here is how I read it:
"God" has two children and puts them in a garden of pleasure. "God" then allows an evil being, many thousands or millions of years old to have access to his infant children so that the evil being can tempt them into "proving" their love for their father by withstanding a temptation given by the evil being. I'm sorry I have to stop right here.
First, loving parents do not force their children to "prove" their love to them.
Second, NO parent would allow an evil manipulator who is many years older to have access to their small children, the parents would protect their chidlren from this influence.
The entire garden of eden story is nonsense.
i have been thinking lately about how the jw's believe that satan was kicked out of heaven in 1914 after the war in heaven.. first of all, why did it take so long for jehovah to finally decide to kick him out of heaven from the time that he decieved and turned his back on jehovah in genesis?
why was satan allowed to have access to heaven in the between time up until 1914?.
also, if revelation is supposed to be a future event, why do the jw's use that event as "already occurred"?.
So, how does one fight a war against a being which is, according to Christians:
all knowing - so if you are going to attack him, he knows about your attack before you do
all powerful - so there is no weapon that can defeat him
all seeing - scratch that surprise attack
everywhere - well, at least we know where to attack
invisible - oops, how can we attack that which we cannot see?
eternal - we can't kill him
I guess we could send taunts in his general direction.