A "proud" evolutionist?
That is an odd thing to say.
I am a proud mathmaticsist. I am a proud historyist. I am a proud geologyist.
Makes no sense.
i have a question regarding creation thats burning me.
i dont have any clever arguments depending on what is answered, i am just curious.. first off i want to say that i think people are free to believe whatever they want.
A "proud" evolutionist?
That is an odd thing to say.
I am a proud mathmaticsist. I am a proud historyist. I am a proud geologyist.
Makes no sense.
i have a question regarding creation thats burning me.
i dont have any clever arguments depending on what is answered, i am just curious.. first off i want to say that i think people are free to believe whatever they want.
overwhelming concensus of scientific opinion
This is the kind of smug, know it all, holier than thou, dishonest statement that I was talking about. Evolution is not supported by an overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion. It IS supported by an overwhelming consensus of opinion by adherents to the church of progress who blindly accept the theory of evolution because they are too cowardly to question it or too simple minded to do their own research and form their own opinions.
Even if the theory of evolution did have a "consensus" of 'scientific' opinion, that wouldn't make it correct. Einstein said on several occassions that having numerous people advance a wrong idea does not make the idea correct.
i have a question regarding creation thats burning me.
i dont have any clever arguments depending on what is answered, i am just curious.. first off i want to say that i think people are free to believe whatever they want.
I am not a Christian so I am not going to answer your questions directly since they assume a belief in the Bible, a belief that I do not have.
I am not a creationist in the sense that most people understand that word. I don't believe the "god created the earth in 6 days" religious doctrine that some Christians have.
I do believe, however, that there is a First Cause. The material universe came into existence at a fixed point, I think this cannot be debated, prior to the material universe, existence was pure energy, we get that from E=MC2 and solving for mass (M) we get M=E/C2. I think that this energy is sentient somehow, probably not in a way we can understand, and the material universe, its laws, the way things work, is according to some sort of design. No, I don't believe that the First Cause is "God" as depicted by the Bible and other "holy" books and religionists. I frankly don't know what the First Cause is, no one else does either.
I do have a problem with the way most people who believe evolution talk to those of us who don't believe it. You act as if evolution is an established fact in the same way that gravity is an established fact. It is not. Evolution is a theory, an unproven theory. Yet, you speak from the assumption that evolution has been proven beyond any doubt, it has not. You assume that anyone who does not believe in evolution is somehow anti-science or anti-thinking, I am not.
I do not believe evolution to be more than a hypothesis for a very simple reason. While there is evidence of adaptation within species, there is zero evidence of a crossing of species boundaries. There is zero evidence that members of species A mutated to the point that now we have species B. Zero. I don't care how much modification you have within species, that is not evolution, that proves nothing.
You also have a bigger problem. Complex biological components, such as the human eye, cannot have evolved from primitive cells. Without all the sub-components, horribly complex sub-components, the eye is useless, so the eye cannot have evolved. Complex biological components, composed of complex sub-components which work together in very sophisticated ways cannot have evolved, they need all the components with all the functions the components provide or they cannot work. There is no way that these evolved.
The blind belief in evolution has retarded our understanding of the human being, our history, our archeology, astronomy, cosmology, and a host of other subjects. The reason for this retardation is this, if one has a blind acceptance of evolution and agrees with the tenet that human beings started out as primitives and then progressed in technology, social behavior, skills, mental capacities, etc, so that "civilization" became progressively "better", then it is impossible to understand things like maps which depict Antarctica as it was before it was covered with ice, cities built in unreachable places where the stone used to build the cities was transported from quarries hundreds of miles away over impassable gorges, ravines, and peaks. Some of these cities can only be reached by expert mountain climbers or helicopter. Structures which are advanced astrological observatories, other structures which accurately depict cosmology that "modern" humans only discovered in the last 100 years, this list can go on and on. Yet, evolutionists would have us believe that the humans who lived during the time that these maps were created, and these cities and other structures were built were "primitives". I could fill up many pages with examples like this, all of these examples have been called "mysteries" by "scientists" who think they are mysteries because they accept the evolution theory as fact. If you are not biased by evolution then these things are not mysteries at all. They were built by advanced humans who knew far more about a great many things than we do.
I don't believe evolution because I see strong evidence that humans were far more advanced in ancient times than we are today and I see no evidence that there has ever been a crossing of the species boundary by any species.
Show me such evidence and I will consider it.
i dont believe in creation anymore.
according to the evolution theory we adapt based on our needs.
but the human brain is far superior than our needs.
Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings by Hapgood
1434 is a very interesting book because it lists numerous maps that showed details of the world taht were supposedly "unknown" at the time the maps were produced.
Lots of people have tried to debunk Hapgood but the US Navy backs him up.
There is no doubt as to the authenticity of the Piri Reis map, the date it was drawn, and the identify of the author. Admiral Reis says that he created the map from older sources that he had access to in the library in Constantinople.
i dont believe in creation anymore.
according to the evolution theory we adapt based on our needs.
but the human brain is far superior than our needs.
Yes, I heard the story about the tribe that knew about the star but the scientific establishment couldn't stand that their ideas about human development might be wrong so they made up the story about the astronomer visiting them earlier. That tribe has cave drawings which are thousands of years old that depict Sirius A and Sirius B in their proper orbits and both are sized proportionately correct.
"sometimes there is an easier explanation" that is just a copout because you would prefer to believe the church of progress than to accept that the ancients were far more advanced in many areas than we are. I had already considered the "easier explanation" and saw evidence that requires discarding it.
There are many sources for the Dogon people, do some research.
Here's another one that the church of progress wont' admit to.
Maps exist that are older than the beginning of the age of discovery, these maps were drawn from still older maps, which clearly show the land coastline of Antarctica and show mountain ranges and rivers on the continent of Antarctica. NASA verified that the coastline as rendered in the map is correct and that these mountain ranges and rivers do indeed exist after space exploration began. Whoever made this map knew spherical trigonometry (supposedly "invented" in the 18th century), knew that the earth was round, and knew within 50 miles the circumference of the earth. They also had to have used an aerial survey to produce a map of such detail.
Obviously humans were exploring Antarctica when it was not covered by ice, between 13,000 BC and 4,000 BC.
There are thousands of "unexplained" facts like this about the ancients (ancient humans). They are only unexplained because the scientific community insists on holding to the ridiculous theory that humans were primitive and gradually progressed over the millenia. The facts prove otherwise but anyone saying that will be hounded by the church of progress (the scientific community).
millions are now facing the dilemma of making house payments on a property that is not worth what is being paid.
after originally promising to repay the bank, is there a "moral" obligation to continue in a dwelling, even at a loss ... or is it best to exercise the "legal" right of foreclosure and pay the consequences ?.
You have a legal and moral obligation to repay the debt. The government has set up programs to help those who are unable to pay their payments. However, there have been no allowances made for those who are able to pay but don't want to because their home is worth less than it was when they bought it.
Large numbers of people are walking away from their homes because they can rent a similar house in the same neighborhood for far less than their mortgage payments and they are making the calculation that they would be much better off financially to lose their house and rent.
i dont believe in creation anymore.
according to the evolution theory we adapt based on our needs.
but the human brain is far superior than our needs.
I dont think we have ever use it
So, the ancients that built the impossible structures that exist in the world used what? Counting on fingers and toes. They knew far more about physics, gravity, astrology, geometry, astronomy, and cosmology than we do.
i dont believe in creation anymore.
according to the evolution theory we adapt based on our needs.
but the human brain is far superior than our needs.
the brain is not a closed system. The number of connections that can be made within the neural network is infinity.
The ancients were the ancient humans who built structures which were used for complex cosmology, astronomy, astrology, and other purposes.
There are structures in the Saharan desert which are models of our galaxy.
There are cities in the Andes mountains built out of stone that was quarried hundreds of miles away and carried across impassable gorges, ravines, high mountain ranges in order to construct impossible cities. With all of our technology we could not duplicate this feat. How was this accomplished?
The ancients had expertise in physics, gravity, mathematics, cosmology, astronomy, astrology, and other fields that surpasses ours.
The Dogon people have a means of perceiving the Dog star (Sirius B). The Dogon live in an area that receives very little rainfall, and the rainfall they get comes at one time for a successive number of days and then it stops for the rest of the year. The Dogon have to plant their crops EXACTLY on the correct day. If they plant too soon the seed is withered by the heat and the sun, if they plant too late the rains come and the crops do not sprout. The Dogon elders go to the side of their holy mountain and stand and look into the sky. They do this day after day. Then they come down from the holy mountain and tell the people to plant the crops. Then, the right number of days later the rains begin. The crops have to be harvested at the correct time also. Wait too long and the crops burn up. Start too early and you don't get a high enough yield. Again, the Dogon elders go to the side of the holy mountain and look into the sky. On a certain day they come down and tell the people to harvest the crops. A reporter accompanied them in order to figure out what they were looking at. They looked at the reporter puzzled and asked "you can't see it?" and laughed among themselves as if the reporter was retarded or something. Later the elders took the reporter into a cave and showed him a drawing of Sirius A and Sirius B in correct proportion with correct orbits. The drawing shows Sirius B as being very dense. Sirius B cannot be seen with the naked eye. The elders explained that when they go to the holy mountain they are looking at Sirius B, and something about it tells them when the rains are to begin and when the harvesting should begin. And for 5,210 years they have been correct. So, how do the Dogon know about Sirius B? How are they able to see it? The Dogon elders also describe Sirius C, a red dwarf star which was only recently 'discovered'.
There are many, many evidences of capabilities that the ancients had that have since been lost. Open some books and read about them.
on another thread, african gb member wondered whether the members of the governing body really believe what they preach.
and that led me to this thought:.
unless i misunderstood what i have read, the governing body claims that jehovah communicates with them and tells them what to do.
The Governing Body claims to be God's mouthpiece. As far as I can find, the only other person/group who claimed to be God's mouthpiece was Jesus and by association the apostles.
Let's compare and contrast Jesus and the Apostles behavior to the behavior of the Governing Body.
1. Social life. Jesus and the apostles lived in and among the people, traveled, had parties, broke bread, preached, taught, and did everything else that normal people of the day did, and they did it in the midst of the people.
The governing body lives in isolation in Bethel, does not mingle with ordinary people, does not travel in public, does not preach in public, does nothing in public.
2. Style of preaching. Jesus and the apostles preached in public and backed up their preaching with both words that amazed people and miracles.
The governing body do not preach in public, do not use words that amaze people (in a good way, they do amaze us as to how idiotic they are but that is not the same kind of amazement), and do not perform miracles.
3. Style of dress. Jesus and the apostles dressed just like everyone else in their day.
Governing body. They dress like decrepid old senile perverts.
4. Stength of mind. Jesus and the apostles were known far and wide for the strength of their minds.
The governing body are known far and wide for the weakness of their minds
5. Doctrine. Jesus insisted that love was the only doctrine that really mattered and he was righteously indignant on multiple occassions at men who insisted on loading down people with complex rules and doctrine.
The governing body loads JWs down with so many nit picky, petty, insiduous rules and complex doctrines that there is no doubt that Jesus would be absolutely livid at the governing body if he was alive today.
6. Generosity. Jesus and the apostles were extremely generous.
The governing body are extremely tight fisted, mean spirited, petty, and callous.
7. Forgiveness. Jesus freely forgave everyone and taught that we should not judge.
The governing body has set themselves up as judge, jury, and executioner and uses this power against anyone that does not slavishly obey them. Their printed literature is filled with judgements heaped upon the heads of billions of people.
8. Sex. Jesus and the apostles spoke openly and honestly about ex and as far as anyone can tell were normal, healthy men. Some of the apostles were married and had families.
The governing body are obsessed with sex and their writings turn it into a, I don't even have a word for it, disgusting thing? Anyway, there is no doubt that the governing body are depraved sex perverts.
recently there have been news reports of teenagers killing themselves because they couldn't take being bullied any longer.. i hate bullies.
i would feel horrible if my grandkids ever got bullied.. have you ever put a bully in his or her place?.
It depends on the situation.
In high school I picked up whatever heavy object I could find and went completely bezerk hitting the bully with it until he needed medical attention. This only happened once per school.
Once some thugs from the football team thought it would be funny to put me in a metal trashcan. They made the mistake of bragging about what they were going to do first. I got the trashcan between me and them and picked it up and smashed the biggest one as hard as I coudl with it. The others ran away. Guess who the school tried to blame for the incident?
If it is someone bullying my children I go to the bully's house ask the father to step outside and give him two choices. Make your thug leave my children aone or I'm going to make this a personal matter between you and I right here, right now.
If it is a "boss" i tell the "boss" in no uncertain terms "If you want to be able to speak to me again this bullshit stops right now".