Nope, Im from the happy go lucky UK :) I think there were a few reasons that stopped the dunking and ironcially they were mostly problems they presented me with rather than me having a problem with them.
First of all I have, wait for it.... long hair. Now after reading through the bible, their literature and everything else people cared to direct my attention to, I could find no reason at all why I should have to cut it, other than the fact that it ment i didn't look like 'them'. So this of course cause alot of problems.
Secondly I was always asking questions, and while their answers seemed to deal with things practically, I have always had a problem with any relgion that has any form of disfellowshiping. I personally think it is a disgusting practice and had alot of problems trying to work out why such 'loving' people would put someone though this.
There were a few other little things too, I never really felt like I fitted in with the people around me, probably because I wasn't stepping on eggshells around everyone but hey ho.