@unstopableravens I asked would you kill your kid if God asked you to. From your reply (though you didn't simply answer yes or no) I can tell you would kid your kid if God asked you to. I can tell because you tried to justify God's asking Abraham to do such a thing. You say "its pretty easy for someone to find a reason to paint yahweh as evil." Thats because he IS evil LOL! I wouldn't have killed my dog for a burnt offering to God if he asked me to (back in the day) because ITS FREAKING EVIL/HEARTLESS and dumb. Special Covenants or long time ago or its to show love thousands of years later doesn't justify this retarded Gods multiple evil actions. He is a jealous and insecure God (very human emotion) that actually repents. Yes your perfect, infallible; all knowing God fuks up and repents for it. That doesn't even make sense lol. Can you kind of see why atheists realize the Bible is a work of fiction yet?
@ziddina unstopableravens would definitely get destroyed for his love of ravens... and for wearing pants (also pagan lol). Whata scary world it would be if bible God was real