And I bet somewhere there are JWs celebrating over this news. Sick!
Posts by DubR
14 year old JW boy, dies after refusing blood transfusion
by digderidoo ina very sad story..
excerpt.... a 14-year-old boy who refused blood transfusions in his fight against leukemia -- based on religious beliefs -- died wednesday night in seattle, hours after a skagit county judge affirmed his right to reject the treatment.. dennis lindberg, of mount vernon, died around 6 p.m. at children's hospital & regional medical center in seattle, according to king-5 television.
as a jehovah's witness, lindberg objected to receiving blood.
Do you ever feel anxious..for no reason.
by lisavegas420 ini feel, ....not quite myself, but i don't know why.
i feel anxious...un-nerved, like something isn't right, but don't know what.
i dread the day, and the week.
Hi, try clonazepam (klonopin). that med was a life saver for me!! pm if you need more info
Would the WT$ outright lie?
by peacedog inin another thread the question of whether or not the wt$ would "outright lie" was raised.. i happen to believe that they would in a heartbeat, although i agree that their preference is for sneaky misleading statements as opposed to outright lies.
regardless, here's a short list of some of what i consider incontrovertible evidence that yes, the wt$ would outright lie.. .
consider the following statements printed in the wt magazine:.
What are you guys babbling about.... NEW LIGHT NEW LIGHT!!! lol
Calling All PS3 Owners!!
by DubR inim still a newbie here and i haven't seen a post dedicated to young and ole gamers!
so anyone out there who is a casual or hardcore gamer and loves to play online on your ps3 or other gaming systems, share your psn id or pm me!!
also it would be cool if you list the online multiplayer games you currently are playin or lovin!
Cool. I tried to play FEAR origin demo but i sucked at it lol. There are only about three or four first person shooters that I am any good at. Hmm Silent Hill? I think a new one is coming out for PS2. Those Silent Hill games creep me out but are very fun!
Oh yea this news is for anyone who has been holding back buying a PS3 because of the price. Best Buy is running a Black Friday sale on the new PS3 Slim 120GB bundle with Litte Big Planet and Ratchet and Clank for only $299. Now I wish I would have waited but sweet deal anyway!!
Calling All PS3 Owners!!
by DubR inim still a newbie here and i haven't seen a post dedicated to young and ole gamers!
so anyone out there who is a casual or hardcore gamer and loves to play online on your ps3 or other gaming systems, share your psn id or pm me!!
also it would be cool if you list the online multiplayer games you currently are playin or lovin!
Hiya Babygirl, you are one cool momma lol. I am eventually planning on getting Modern Warfare 2, I just have the 1st one right now. I heard its just as good as the first one! As far as headsets go, I just use my bluetooth that goes with my cell phone (no problems soo far). Are you having problems syncing the bluetooth device? Not sure, but anyway u have to buy your son Uncharted 2, he will love it!
is jesus a god?
by javig inhi...i have come across the jw text that says that "the word was a god" john 1:1...who is that "god"?
another god?
is him jesus?...
THis seems to be a older question but I will try to answer it for ya. OK in the Old Testament, Yahweh (YHWY) or LORD is Almighty God and there is no other God. Also he states Who was with me when I was creating everything. Ok and the New Testament Jesus states the THE FATHER IS GREATER THAN I!! But the New Testament also calls Jesus a Mighty God and I think Stephen or one of his apostales says My Lord My God. Ok.. What you have hear is only one of the few contratictions of the bible. At one point there is no other God than Yahweh, then you have Jesus who's Father and God is greater than him and also gave Jesus authority and Jesus sits at his right hand is called a God or Mighty God as well... BIG CONTRADICTION. But it only makes sense to not agree on this subject because the Catholics or Constatine (the editors of the Bible) couldn't make up their mind if Jesus was God or God's Son. The bible said both. Hmm so can ya put 100% trust in contradictions????
Calling All PS3 Owners!!
by DubR inim still a newbie here and i haven't seen a post dedicated to young and ole gamers!
so anyone out there who is a casual or hardcore gamer and loves to play online on your ps3 or other gaming systems, share your psn id or pm me!!
also it would be cool if you list the online multiplayer games you currently are playin or lovin!
Hi all. Im still a newbie here and I haven't seen a post dedicated to young and ole gamers! So anyone out there who is a casual or hardcore gamer and loves to play online on your PS3 or other gaming systems, share your PSN ID or pm me!! Also it would be cool if you list the online multiplayer games you currently are playin or lovin! I would love to add ya, chat about upcoming games; and of course play online with ya! My PSN ID: DoubleR_Boss
My PS3 games (multi-online player):
Modern Warfare 1
Resident Evil 5
Uncharted 2
Little Big Planet GOTY (me and wifeys favorite)
Metal Gear Solid
Grand Theft Auto 4
Saint's Row
World at War
God of War 3 demo (not multiplayer but soo good)
A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too
by EndofMysteries inso far quite dissappointed from what i've seen.
this is very very important, first i"ll address the non/ex jw then i'll address the jw's (jw's scroll down if don't wanna see the first part).
i see so many who have concluded that it was not 'god inspired', a lot of what is being done, and their conscience told them that many things conflicted with jesus teachings and the bible.
EndofMysteries, exactly what I thought. Its no way you can reply to my previous post (just ignore it) because you cant defend the book you base your life on!! You came on this forum and asked a question directly to ex-jehovah witnesses about why they don't believe in the bible, they are immoral; want to live anyway they want to because through their bad lifestyle they choose not to live by bible standards. This statement is obviously coming from someone who is uneducated (I can tell in your writing) and ignorant to actual ex-jehovah witnesses lives. Most of the witnesses who get disfellowshipped because of immorality come back, its the ones who find out that that organization is bloodguilty, false prophets! Give Jesus a little more credit when he came down in 1917-1918 to pick his true religion. And yes if you are a JW you are expected to teach that false teaching to others! You would be suprised the number of babtised holy pure Jehovah Witnesses (especially young ones) who live a VERY immoral double life and they make every meeting and are regular pioneers! WAKE UP! Do you know how many religions (pagan) that have been persecuted through the years! You are nothing special.
You asked a direct question to ex-jw's who no longer believe in the bible and I answered. Now reply to my previous post if you can. And to get personal from a ex-jw who no longer believes in the bible, I DO NOT commit adultery/fornication, I DO NOT celebrate pagan holidays and never will, I DO NOT salute the flag, I DO NOT vote, I DO NOT steal, kill, lie, (have a good job but not materialistic), I DO NOT believe in the pagan cross or trinity or everyone goin to heaven. Last and not least, I DO NOT teach false doctorines not found in the bible (Jesus 1918 return) and I am no part of a bloodguilty organization (GET OUT OF HER IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHARE IN HER SINS!)
Walkin you said of EOM "The postives and the negatives =equal this about you, you have a belief system in which you are entitled to have. You want to share your belief system on this forum. " No, he/she wanted to come on this forum and damn all ex-jw who no longer believe in the bible because they live "unclean" lives and she wanted to attack active jws for being worldly. EOM is very self-righteous and very uneducated! lol
And what is soo sad EOM is that for years I use to THINK JUST LIKE YOU!!
A question for all ex jws AND JW's here, btw I'm new too
by EndofMysteries inso far quite dissappointed from what i've seen.
this is very very important, first i"ll address the non/ex jw then i'll address the jw's (jw's scroll down if don't wanna see the first part).
i see so many who have concluded that it was not 'god inspired', a lot of what is being done, and their conscience told them that many things conflicted with jesus teachings and the bible.
Oh man, I have been trying to hold back my laughter at work but its soo hard when I read your serious posts EndofMysteries. Brothers and sisters, this is what happens when you take a very uneducated person and throw in a bunch of "ancient secret holy" books at them and they try to put the ridiculous puzzle together!! You get a large helping of NONSENSE. EOM, I can't believe you have done soooo much studying through various books and have yet to find out the the name Jehovah is the mistransliterated word created when the tetragrammaton (YHWH) mixed with the vowel points Adonai (Lord). This was used because the Jewish people became superstitious about using God's name and didn't want people to say it! Actually you would be spitting in God's face using that name. That's like if your name was Sarah and people called you Seruhoy! So before you try to start judging people you don't even know and have never met a day in your life, get your God's name straight!! Oh yeah, NO ONE knows the bible God's true name, its all guesses. DO RESEARCH ON THAT FIRST!!! But hey, I guess its the thought that counts to God!
Also, you asked why do ex-jehovah witnesses stop believing in the bible? Well I have an activity for you!
All you have to do is tell me the story of Christ’s resurrection. Something any Christian will surely be able to do with ease AND you don't have to tell the entire story just start from just before the rising. Here are the verses so you don't have to search. Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21, Acts1:3-12 and 1Cor 15:3-8. Now, without leaving out any of the details from these accounts, write a step by step guide of the events that took place. What happened first, second, who said what, when, and where, how many people and angels were part of that wonderful event.
Why would anyone in there right mind, after being mislead by a religion that was suppose to be from God himself ever believe in a book that can't even get this very important story straight?? And dont give me that, "you wouldn't even understand, you dont really care about the true story, it isn't for your understanding" bull... Oh yea, keep doing research and you will learn that NO GLOBAL FLOOD OCCURED A LITTLE OVER 4000 YEARS AGO!!! I could go on and on...
PS. Jeremiahjs, Beksbks was being sarcastic when she said, "Bless your sweet soul Jeremiah." I think you guys were digitally sent out in two to preach. Im pretty sure you know each other lol.
Do you still read the bible?
by boyzone ini can't.
i can't even bring myself to pick up the book anymore but i'm still a christian.. not sure why, just this feeling of guilt when i read it, and guilt if i don't.. anyone else have an aversion to the good book?.
I bet I am the only person who will never read the bible again and never pray again. But I will also never celebrate a birthday or pagan holiday or take blood or salute a flag ect... Yea, im pretty messed up lol.