Is there anyone on here that can explain to me how a T-Rex (meat eating dino) lived and was extinct hundreds of thousands of years before the first human (i guess Adam) but God's Word the BIBLE says before Adam sinned all humans and animals were vegetarians. Why dont these people just admit that they bible is fallible!! The bible can't be God's word if its fallible!! It should be pretty simple to do after you find out how corrupt religion (as a whole) is and its created from the Bible. Some stuff in the bible makes sense but alot of other thinks in the bible have proven to be LIES FALSE according to reality. I will go even further and say alot of things in the bible make God EVIL. No one can tell me that God asking his faithful servent to go kill his son and at the last minute God tells him...never mind just testin ya!!! That God is a Evil deity that gets off on suffering!. Dont let blind faith, the same blind faith that got you caught up in a cult keep you caught up in a man made bible that is no different than Dr. Suess Kat in the Hat crap! Thats all im saying
Posts by DubR
Hey guys, your reasons are all very interesting!! Thanks for the posts.
Ziddina, I was LMAO at that religious nut Jonathan Dough's posts. I could just feel his hatred for me just because I didn't believe in the book he puts his life on. People like him are the reason so many people have waged wars and died over that ridiculous man made book! That is a very interesting point you made about the active volcano Moses was on top of lol. I will add that one to my arsenal to defend my non-faith!
Joshnaz, I guess for some people the reason why they choose to disregard the Bible can go hand in hand with any religion that they were apart of. Alot of different reasons:social, religious, personal, science, FACTS that eventually make people stop believing in the all Holy Bible.
For me, I remember when I was really young going over the My Book of Bible Stories, I was always sad to the point of crying when Jehovah asked his peope to slaughter a innocent animal, burn it at the alter; that smell of death would please God. I still remember a picture of a lamb in that book getting slaughtered and burned. I have always loved my pets:dogs, cats, turtles, ect and did not see love or common sense in that command from God. Fast foward to 3 years ago, I was talking with a friend and he told me that the Catholics edited and put together the Bible canon. I dont know about you all but if the Catholics said it was sunny outside, I would automatically think it was a thunderstorm, hurricane, or twister. There was no way I would trust anything that came from the Catholic Church. All of these small facts stayed with me but the nail on the head was after I found out my beloved religon I would die for was just a hoax. That lead to me questioning EVERYTHING I was taught. I found out that the Global Flood NEVER HAPPENED!! Not one historian can find ANY evidence of this great phenomenom. I researched historical evidence that shows global human existence continued before, during, and after this fake global flood period. Plus, this story was borrowed from The Epic of Gilgamesh (a myth that pre-dates the Bible flood story)
Then automatically I remembered Jesus referring to a Global Flood...But wait, there was no global flood. At that moment I knew I could no longer believe the Bible was God's Word, because it as fallible and man made. After that I found all the inconsistancies and stolen mythological stories found in the Bible. I just wish everyone would throw their blind faith out the door and only live their life on good choices and love!!
I could care less if you dont believe me. My first post was agreeing that I do not deny that there are unseen forces behind unnatural events. I should have explained myself better about my experiences but I didnt think a religious zealot would try to pick my post apart. Back when I was 10yrs old and laying in my bed, a weight at the foot of my bed was there (like someone had sat at the foot of my bed.) I didnt see anyone siting at the foot of my bed but felt a presence like there was a person sitting there. Am I breaking this experience down to you enough because you may be slow? And I will come to the conclusion to believe in something as ridiculous as aliens before I believe in something just as ridiculous as demons. That statement consisted of sarcasm! Both ideas are silly. But hey, you can continue to try to read in between the lines like you do the bible to make it seem like I see demons. By the way, this is a very open and layed back forum so if I saw demons, I would have addressed it in my first thread or something. There have been many nights my JW friend called me, crying of the things he had to go through just to live. You are a IDIOT!!!
it is idiotic to believe a book that claims that there was a global flood and killed all but a handful of people and a global flood DID NOT HAPPEN. It is idiotic to believe in a Savior that referred to a global flood that killed all but a handul of people because a global flood DID NOT HAPPEN. It is idiotic to believe in a book that claimed every man and beast were vegetarians until Adam and Eve messed up when its evidence that for example the T-Rex lived before any human (Adam and Eve) and they were meat eaters. Hmm I wonder how did mosquitos and leeches suck plants... It is idiotic to believe in ANY documents that were edited by the bloodguilty Catholics. Some documents were too idiotic to be added in the bible while others where less idiotic and were added to the bible. It is idiotic to believe a book that cant even get Christ's resurrection to agree with each other. Last but not least, people like you are the reason I am free from religious bondage because religious people like you are IDIOTIC!!!!!!!!!
It is the belief that all the supernatural creatures in the Bible (God, angels, demons,ect) don't exist. My new belief is basically no one know what the unseen forces are and I dont have to believe the Bible whenever there is a big question mark on anything humans dont understand. Also I have a friend who is a witness who sees tribal heads, evil shadows, and hears random voices whenever he stops taking his schitzo affective disorder medications. No one can pray those things away!! That has nothing to do with demons but all to do with a genetic chemical imbalance. As far as doors slamming on their own, objects moving, ect I believe that NO ONE TRULY KNOWS WHAT CREATURE/S are behind that but someday science will discover it just like they eventually discover everything
This is one of my biggest questions now. I grew up a JW and have heard of many demon experiences. I remember at 10yrs old, I was laying in my bed and some kind of unseen force was sitting at the foot of my bed. I was wide awake and jumped up and ran to sleep in my sisters room. Also recently, about 2 weeks ago, I was trying t go to sleep and as soon as I opened my eyes my tv turned on by itself (no timer or anything like that). I wasn't scared when it happened, just annoyed and turned it off and went back to sleep. Nowadays I would rather come to a conclusion that these unseen forces are unknown lifeforms or even aliens instead of demons. I have noticed with my new belief, even if some weird experience does happen to me I wont be scared like I was growing up a JW and would most likely be facinated. At the same time I wouldn't play with a Ouija board or practice Satanism or something because weird crap will happen. I feel someday science will explain what these unseen annoying forces are! Until then, they dont scare me anymore.