Thank you all for your heartfelt answers!! On my earlier post, I should have said that when kids find out Santa isn't real they will look like . I have no idea why some people took the mad expression and turned it into, "they dont need therepy for the lie or when they find out cartoons aren't real they dont kill themselves or its better than lying and telling them they are going to paradise." Good gracious I just put a mad face there, not a commit suicide face or grave there after that statement. Which brings me to my point!! To all the atheists and agnostics (thats me!!) thank you for your straight forward answers basically saying that you celebrate Christmas because it is fun and you have the freedom to do it. Heck, thats about as honest as anyone can be and I respect that because that question had NOTHING to do with the bloodguilty Watchtower lying or killing people and what not. Now, to all of you professed Christians who love the LAWD, to me you are some of the biggest hypocrites out there. I mean come on, you know darn well that that holiday can be traced back to sun worship (worshipping a false deity) and its a lie from early churches to bring in pagans, a lie that actually involves your God or your Son of God (whatever you believe)! IF Jesus was real, there is no doubt in my mind he would be offended by this pagan holiday that makes him a part of! And I already knew how much stuff was pagan INCLUDING Christianity!!
Think about it Christians, you serve a God that will kill an innocent animal if a human forced it to have sex! You serve a God where if "his people" conquered a neiboring nation that didn't even know that God existed, he demanded for everyone to be slaughtered except for the young virgins! Then these young virgins would be gang raped and slaves by God's chosen men for the rest of their lives!! You serve a God that created day and night on the first day, created plants on the third day...THEN created the light producing objects (sun, moon; stars) on the fourth day!!!!!! Not to metion the many scriptures your God brags about being a JEALOUS God asking for exclusive devotion....or else!! So, not only is your God jealous, extremely vengeful, but he's also retarded (WTF DISTINGUISHES DAY FROM NIGHT AND WTF ALLOWS PLANTS TO LIVE???) People, if you had enough since to WAKE THE F*CK UP to a retarded religion like the Jehovah Witnesses (yes its retarded) then why dont you have enough since to WAKE THE F*UCK up to RELIGION and the BIBLE!! The JWs are just part of the problem.
Now personally for me to celebrate Christmas, would be like me celebrating a Zues day where Hercules plays the Santa roll!! Its just as silly (i mean). But I may eventually or even this year (my wife wants to with her family). Alot of you guys comments made it sound like Christmas is really fun!! Honestly, being agnostic, I know NO ONE will be in trouble if they celebrated Christmas. But, for all you Christians who do celebrate....the ones soo quick to tell anyone they are going to hell for not believing in God or the Trinity or other stupid bible stuff... You are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITES!! By the way, I will always think that passing the lie of Santa Claus down each generation is dumb. Take credit for how much you love your children early!! I mean from your own beliefs God hates you (God hates a lier because they originate from Satan the father of lies).