PSacramento, do you not read the posts on previous pages before you make a blind point that doesn't need to be made? Pastor Russell was a false prophet, who cares what he thought!!! Who cares what JWs think!! They are a cult, you know that!! Take the time out to read ALL previous posts (at least by the originator of the thread) before you make a post!! Please
Posts by DubR
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Outlaw again you are ANNOYING and have to have the last word. And your humor is not funny!!! When I first asked this question, it was to help me come to a choice of can I personally justify celebrating Christmas since im no longer a JW or not (even if I dont believe in the Bible anymore) . After reading over 20 posts that were justifications from people that were actually offended that someone asked why they celebrate a pagan religion....YOU ARE DARN RIGHT MY REASON FOR STARTING THIS THREAD CHANGED!! Like I said in an earlier post (you can find that post and repost it in quotes like you always do) I completely understand ones who said they dont care if its pagan or not, they are free to do it and its fun. That appealed to me. Then, there was post darn near condemning me of asking the question and that was not kool with me!! Or you can continue to take my post out of context if you have no life !!
So again your sarcasm is not funny, you are annoying; you will not get the last word!
Gayle, please stop lying to this guy lol!!!
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Granny-Believe it or not, nice people exist in this world. To give the credit of them being nice human beings to God, it lessens the love those people personally have and gives it to an non-existing being (IMO).
JWoods-You should know that no number was given on the number of Magi in the bible. And this is an example of the stupidity in the bible (IMO). How the heck can a star in the sky guide ANYONE!!! It makes noo sense!
Lovelylil-Thank you for sort of understanding me being pissed with religion. I see it as a very dangerous mechanism that some use to give power and riches to themselves and enslave others. The statement you made:
"Everyone has to believe in something positive in their life. If you don't believe in God, then I hope you can believe in family, good friends, love and most of all believe in peace."
This statement is the type of stupid ideology I find in the Christian community. You suggest that just because I dont believe in the Bible or the God of the Bible (because bible doesnt agree with FACT) , that you would have to hope that I can believe in family, good friends, love; peace. WTF!!! People like you are the ones I were making a point to on this thread (self-righteous Christians who damn atheist and agnostics). Ex-Jws are not evil people because they find out the truth is not the truth. Atheists and agnostics are not evil people because they find out that the Bible was made up from uneducated men who mixed true and false history with myths and fanciful thinking, then later Catholics (the most bloodguilty and corrupt religious group) edits this books and sells it as God's divine Word!! I guess I could say "Just because im not a Christian, im sure I value family, friends, love; peace more than you."
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
JWoods, me personally I think Christmas would make much more sense if it was no longer promoted to be Christ birth and the Santa idea was done away with. And no matter how much you try to justify lying to your kids telling them that Santa fit his fat butt down the chimney and left a present for them...its STILL a STUPID TRADITION!! No it wont kill them, no they wont go to therepy for it; no I could care less if you choose to keep lying to them or not. But dont try to justify the lie. Its ok to say "Well DubR its just for fun"!! I respect that. Anyone who believes in the bible needs to know that their God hates them for lying to their kids. Heck I love violent video games and if I was still a Christian I would believe that my bible God hated me because "HE" hates everyone loving violents! I wouldn't try to justify it. But then again, I dont believe in the Bible so heck do whatever makes life fun. We ONLY have one life to live!! And if you are not a atheist condemning person, none of my posts were directed at you.
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
hi granny!! i must say I dont believe the Bible is God's Word, therefore I dont believe your God gave me my brain anymore. Also, I always try to smile at people ( I really am a nice guy and would give any member on here the shirt off my back). I will admit that religion has made me a bit bitter but I am still a nice and happy person throughout the year. And at the end of the day, it doesnt matter if one chooses to or not to celebrate Christmas. But, it will make it alot harder for ex-JW who celebrate Christmas to prove to family members who are still active JWs that they are RIGHT!
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Also, I take back my statement about maybe celebrating Christmas this year or ever!! If I had (for example) a 6 year old and decided to buy him a PS3, I would not lie to him and tell him that Santa Claus was the one who payed over $300 for him (or magically conjured it up). To me that is a STUPID TRADITION!! So after reading most of these lame brain excuses of justifying why some celebrate Christmas, it reminded me of back when I told my oldest sister about the origins of the Jehovah's Witness. All she said was...."so, that was in the past. the organization doesn't do those things now anymore. the organization have changed and realized what they did was wrong. the organization only tries to help people." My sister justified the Jehovah's Witnesses and of course directing her statements to celebrating Christmas (after knowing the origins) it seems very similiar as to what some of you do to justify Christmas and Santa lol. So to sum it up, thank you all for input to help me make a choice that I wasnt sure on for a while since I left the JWs. I wont give in to the silly celebration (IMO) of Christmas. And when I say celebrating Christmas im talking about putting up a Christmas tree, saying Merry Christmas; passing down the lie about Santa Claus.
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
To each his own yo, but I was making a point to self-righteous Christians and these retarded "im anointed and part of the elect" Christians running around here that condemn atheists and agnostics but celebrate a holiday that Im sure would get them killed by their jealous retarded God!!
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Thank you all for your heartfelt answers!! On my earlier post, I should have said that when kids find out Santa isn't real they will look like . I have no idea why some people took the mad expression and turned it into, "they dont need therepy for the lie or when they find out cartoons aren't real they dont kill themselves or its better than lying and telling them they are going to paradise." Good gracious I just put a mad face there, not a commit suicide face or grave there after that statement. Which brings me to my point!! To all the atheists and agnostics (thats me!!) thank you for your straight forward answers basically saying that you celebrate Christmas because it is fun and you have the freedom to do it. Heck, thats about as honest as anyone can be and I respect that because that question had NOTHING to do with the bloodguilty Watchtower lying or killing people and what not. Now, to all of you professed Christians who love the LAWD, to me you are some of the biggest hypocrites out there. I mean come on, you know darn well that that holiday can be traced back to sun worship (worshipping a false deity) and its a lie from early churches to bring in pagans, a lie that actually involves your God or your Son of God (whatever you believe)! IF Jesus was real, there is no doubt in my mind he would be offended by this pagan holiday that makes him a part of! And I already knew how much stuff was pagan INCLUDING Christianity!!
Think about it Christians, you serve a God that will kill an innocent animal if a human forced it to have sex! You serve a God where if "his people" conquered a neiboring nation that didn't even know that God existed, he demanded for everyone to be slaughtered except for the young virgins! Then these young virgins would be gang raped and slaves by God's chosen men for the rest of their lives!! You serve a God that created day and night on the first day, created plants on the third day...THEN created the light producing objects (sun, moon; stars) on the fourth day!!!!!! Not to metion the many scriptures your God brags about being a JEALOUS God asking for exclusive devotion....or else!! So, not only is your God jealous, extremely vengeful, but he's also retarded (WTF DISTINGUISHES DAY FROM NIGHT AND WTF ALLOWS PLANTS TO LIVE???) People, if you had enough sence to WAKE THE F*CK UP to a retarded religion like the Jehovah Witnesses (yes its retarded) then why dont you have enough sence to WAKE THE F*UCK up to RELIGION and the BIBLE!! The JWs are just part of the problem.
Now personally for me to celebrate Christmas, would be like me celebrating a Zues day where Hercules plays the Santa roll!!Its just as silly (i mean). But I may eventually or even this year (my wife wants to with her family). Alot of you guys comments made it sound like Christmas is really fun!! Honestly, being agnostic, I know NO ONE will be in trouble if they celebrated Christmas. But, for all you Christians who do celebrate....the ones soo quick to tell anyone they are going to hell for not believing in God or the Trinity or other stupid bible stuff... You are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITES!! By the way, I will always think that passing the lie of Santa Claus down each generation is dumb. Take credit for how much you love your children early!! I mean from your own beliefs God hates you (God hates a lier because they originate from Satan the father of lies).
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
hi guys and gals! I havent been on here since last thursday and I see were ALOT of comments added. First off I need to address some members who had smart mouth remarks; some had annoying remarks lol.
Avishai - I hope you get some rogaine foam for Christmas. They now have 3 month supplies lol. There was no reason for you to be a smart mouth first!
Outlaw - You remind me of a old person who has to have the last word and your sarcasm is NEVER funny. And its very annoying when someone feels they have to reposts portions of my previous post. By the way, most of the ridiculous justification for celebrating Christmas is what led to the rebuttal that I previous wrote!
Billy Ex - ALOT of what you posted made ALOT of sense (pants are pagan; everything is pagan). If you would have read completely read my post on page 4, I think you may have understood my point more!
Black Sheep - Yes, you are correct that Christians dont condemn us for not celebrating Christmas. At the same time, they condemn us for not believing in a silly book called the Bible!!! Also, I have yet to hear of a true Atheists that celebrates Christmas..I think you may want to reexamine where you stand!
For the rest of you that posted (in anger) answers without readin what I previously posted on page 4, I will repost it so that you can undersand the point I was trying to make. And someone who was angry said in a previous post that I didn't have a point to make. Well, for someone like you, I will gladly bold my points in my repost!!
Why do Ex-JWs start celebrating pagan Christmas?
by DubR inhiya guys and gals.
im not trying to be self-righteous but i want to understand the thought process of someone who knows the origins of christmas, but starts celebrating it (putting up christmas tree, exchanging wrapped gifts; repeating merry christmas to everyone they see in the month of december)??
it seems very silly to me (imo) after knowing how and why christmas was created (to cater to pagans sun worship and convert to christianity)!!
Exactly Satanus!! You get my point
Of course, some of these dumb Christians will still feel like they have to defend their "pagan" holiday created by their "pagan" religion (Christianity). lol