O and WTWizard, it very well can be a sneaky change put in. If somebody is able to, (I am planning to do it), but find all the oldest sources and copies of the hebrew and greek scriptures which all translations are from. Any others as well, and compare all those documents on these particular scriptures.
WTWizard........did you ever consider that everything your told about God could also be untrue. That the bad things you think of him are lies and twists from Satan, and you are insulting the Almighty based on lies? Are you judging God based on what could have originated from man and God's enemies?
Consider this.....the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and bad. Prior to them partaking of that, they did not realize they were naked, they did not know it was wrong. Jehovah was not holding that against them, or having them follow that set of rules, (who knows what would have happened if they had not), but after they did, they knew, and sin had worked in them. Some of these other books in the bible, have a bit of a different story, that it was 'after' being told and having knowledge of what sin is, is when those things account as sin for a person. If they had not known, and they were working in clean conscience, it would not be sin. Sin is knowing and then doing. That is why the bible says that after one knows the truth then 'practices' sin, there is no longer sacrifice left for it. Increased knowledge appears to give increased accountability as well as wrath and jealousy. If one knows they are unable to do something yet another seems to be getting away with it, and then with forgiveness and being judgemental, one abstaining from something seeing another doing it will be judgemental because of jealously and wrath yet even that person is guilty of sin and they can condemn themselves by judging when they are not free of sin.
The TRUTH is on the verge of really coming out. Paul said we prophesy partially and have partial knowledge, until the restoration.
When you look at news reports, for example Congo, etc, where millions are butchered, or each day 30,000+ children die of starvation, etc, is it loving for God to create everything and give man unlimited free will and allow him to do these things? Let the wicked do what he wants and hurt as many as he wants? Jesus explained that the fullfillment of the law is love. If one had love for his neighbor, one would not do these things.
At the entrance to my workplace, there is a statue, it's a man inside a circle who is outstreched, the caption is, "I am free within the bounds of civility."
Rethink what your beliefs are, and what they are based on. If there is any chance, (as you see in my post), they may be based on a counterfeit or scam, that this scam and lie may have overcome you and cost you your life, but being that your still here, may not be too late to make any changes.