I'm irrational? Let's think rationally on this. First of all, in this exact situation, a black officer shot a black thug armed and holding a stolen semi automatic handgun. Those 'protesters' riot, burn down businesses, and call to burn down 'white' businesses and also hunt and beat up anybody driving in the neighborhood who happens to be white.
Why would they be mad at white people? No white person was even involved in the incident.
They blame white people for their current situation in life. They blame white people for all the black deaths occuring. The media and BLM constantly mention how young black men are 10X more likely to be killed. They ignore that white people have nothing to do with that. They mention how a disproportionate number of black people are unemployed, or in poverty, or don't finish school. They ignore that within a big amount of those numbers that that community considers it being 'too white' to finish school and go to college (They would get for free since they are poor enough to qualify for full pell grants, etc). They ignore most don't have a family. They ignore all the true underlying factors that are at the root of the problem and say that racism and white people are to blame.
They also keep saying how police (in their minds white people are the same thing as police) are hunting them down. (Somehow associating the 50 to 100 weekly shootings in cities like chicago are black on black crime). They say that police don't care if one of theirs is killed, only if a white person is killed is the killer caught. They ignore that they and nobody else will ever tell the police anything because reporting murders is snitching. The culture idolizes the gangsta rap, whose music is filled with speaking about violence and won't release a label until enough profanity will get it a warning label on it.
So all of these problems because of the CULTURE are just making things worse. Then suddenly you have Obama and the democrats/liberals who want to be politically correct and not mention the true causes, so they go along with saying that they are being treated unfairly, there is racism against them, and they have cause for being angry, looting/rioting etc. Obama always siding with them. The entire BLM is based on a lie.
Since it's 'racist' to point out the facts, most don't challenge or say anything published/facebook/etc by BLM. Since the true facts show police aren't targeting them, more unarmed white shootings infact, and the number is so low with having 1.2 million police and millions of calls each year, that this happens...
Letting the lie go on, EVERY TIME a black person dies (even if armed dangerous thug), and no more by just a white officer but even by black officers now, they will get more angry. One protester/rioter also said when interviewed about why rioting, he said how "all them rich people have all this money and don't want to give us none". So letting the lie that being poor is based somehow on white people just getting money for free and not sharing vs education and hard work will continue to let that boil up.
Crime statistics show that there is a LOT more black on white attacks and crimes than vice versa. All incidences are usually hushed by the media. But if reversed it's international news. This makes black people think they are being attacked when in actuality the reverse is happening.
Hillary supports this movement and a vote for her let's it carry on. The future of this will be that the attack of blacks on whites will reach a point that whites fight back. Or as in the Milwaukee situation, imagine if they did start attacking a white suburbs then the owners there well trained and armed shot a bunch of them. Race war ignited.
Trump is not politically correct. He won't allow the lies to go on. He won't go on national press and make it seem the police are targeting them when they are not.
So am I really irrational or is it you who are irrational or blind to what is really happening?