Yup, a ministerial servant who got caught masturbating and exposing himself, by a cop in town and in flagrante after a complaint, even made the local paper when he pled guilty in court, but was best buddies with the PO and business associate of two other elders. Two years later he is being recommended to elder, and gets appointed even after the CO was told about the public incident, turns out the guys wife was besties with the CO's wife. Thats New England small town JW life for ya! He is still an elder after telling a sister he continues to masturbate regularly, she divulged when she got out, but then she is now regarded as an apostate.
JoinedPosts by oppostate
by JohnTron72 injust to put it out there, the whole gender pronouns idea being pushed by the lgbtq+ minorities is just a way to try to hide the sin of homosexuality.
if you can void people talking about your true sexual identity then it seems there is no sin anymore if two they or them of the same sex are together.
example of the coverup: ("i don't identify as either gender"), so the kids i'm raising in a lesbian relationship need not speak of me as a mom or any other female term and we all don't have to feel any stigma attached to the true terms so, any shame we might feel is hidden anyway.
Anyone have your local cong. give out papers to say what you can afford to give the cult?
by mickbobcat inback in the late 80s i can remember my local cong.
pass around a paper that had a place for head of house hold name and how much they can afford to give every month for one year.
but i remember the elders said they needed to know what they can bank on to know what they can afford to borrow to remodel ect.
The first time we had to do the paper and cipher game I was already Pimo. I thought about it, I pondered, ruminated and premeditated a wicked scheme. I took pencil, pen, marker and crayon, no lie, and wrote several slips in different paper slips. The figures were not too extravagant, the one in crayon was only $1 but some in pen were $120 and one for $200 which was the highest. But all figures were divisible by four.
The total of my slips was over $1000. When everything was tallied up the congregation had pledged over $3000 per month. We had had months where the contributions were less than $800 in a congregation of 93 publishers with public talks sometimes in the 120 range.
The BOE ran with the total figure though and the congregation unanimously voted to contribute it.
The first month, not even half of the amont showed up in contribution boxes, leading to a special local needs talk on the matter of contributions.
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Biden - Inappropriate Toucher and Killer of Children
by Simon inny times report on the drone strike in afghanistan - they killed an aid worker and his family including 7 children.. it was done as a political stunt so biden could claim they struck back at a terrorist (although it was a suicide bomb attack).. the attack was due to his incompetence and the drone strike done to distract from it.. his inappropriate touching of young girls now seems tame compared to his murder of young children.. he should be prosecuted.
he should be jailed.
he won't be, because us politics.. if you voted for him you're a shit that supports an inappropriate toucher and killer of children..
What do you think about Nehemia Gordon theory regarding "Yehovah" as God's name pronunciation that never got completely lost?
by psyco innehemia gordon, in his book "shattering the conspiracy of silence", argues that "yehovah" is god's name pronunciation and it has never got completely lost, giving a linguistic explanation.
what do you think about that?.
But the H is for a certainty pronounced in ancient times so when people pronounce YHWH as Yaa-wey this is totally wrong, there are two H sounds in the name and both were pronounced in ancient times, one clue is Arabic where one of the names for Allah is Yahwah, and is pronounced Yahh-WaHH with emphasis on the last syllable and the H sonds quite audible both times.
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What do you think about Nehemia Gordon theory regarding "Yehovah" as God's name pronunciation that never got completely lost?
by psyco innehemia gordon, in his book "shattering the conspiracy of silence", argues that "yehovah" is god's name pronunciation and it has never got completely lost, giving a linguistic explanation.
what do you think about that?.
Good recap Slim!
Nehemia though, insists that the sound of the letter waw in Hebrew was always like English V, which is just not linguistically accurate. It makes him sound ignorant. Otherwise his arguments would be somewhat convincing, but then there's that pesky Jehovih which with an i at the end does give credence to a qere form for Elohim.
However, I see the form Yehowah as very plausible. Judah's name Yehudah is only different by that middle D, which when taken out gives Yehuah, pronounced about exactly with Yehwah or Yehowah. Besides most ancient texts that use niqqud vowels don't have a Holem vowel point in the word, so if you spell it without the Holem O letter it also gives Yehwah.
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The Impact of Less "Appointed Men" & This Site Thank You
by JWTom inwith the passing minimus, we all may think about what this site has meant to us personally.
i lurked here for quite a few years before becoming active as a poster....still i consider what i have done to be very slight compared with others.
may minimus rest in peace and a big thank you to all that have helped me here over the years.. a new member that is a pimo elder (reservations) posted here about how he could wake people up while remaining a pimo elder.
the one thing that hurts the WT is available funds, well, the lack of it.
a congregation can be run without any elders, only an ms, heck there have even been cogregations where no qualified baptized brothers were there to take the lead, but if the money keeps coming in, the game is afoot.
no money, then real estate sales follow, and there is only so much local real estate that can be sold before publishers have to go great distances to meet.
the pandemic is hiding much of the situation with the current properties and if there is a large selloff we will see the effect of many waking up. I get a feeling that contributions have taken a tumble these past two years.
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Allegheny Pyramid Desecrated
by RolRod insometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
Jehovah’s Witnesses
by Iamallcool indo jehovah’s witnesses take advantage of people in their low points in life?
do you know of some good examples?