that would be like trying to herd cats wouldn't it?
JoinedPosts by oppostate
Prince postings... ad nauseum
by zeb inhey mods, any chance all things prince could be put under one heading.. please?
Letter to the GB...Would they see it??
by James Mixon inif one sent a nice note to the gb, "you guys are a bunch of low life scumbags", would they cover.
it in their meeting and respond to my letter?.
In other words they will never know they are a bunch of low life scumbags.
The renewed effort by the courts to get the sexual abusers list from their grubby little filthy-lucre loving hands will help expose to what level of scumbaggery they've gone. Their evil empire will continue to bleed out cash and sink ever lower in the public eye.
Watchtower myth: God’s will discerned through committees, not individual leaders
by Londo111 inbe it the governing body, or the a judicial committee of the local elder body, when a two-thirds majority vote is reached, it is viewed as god’s will, as the action of holy spirit, of jesus nudging the stars in his right hand.
[and if i’m not mistaken, the minority is encouraged to change their vote, so that is “unanimous”.
anthony morris alluded to this when he unsuccessfully tried to explain why the governing body is not dogmatic.
My guess is that it's similar to an ouija board in which no individual feels in any way responsible for the outcome, but all have a part in making it happen.
I never really understood how making decision by consensus was somehow proof of divine backing.Decisions through consensus building is the Quaker way of doing things. Quaker meetings are funny, though, there's little said, and more than a little sad as well.
Excellent quote! Very insightful and true.
Letter to the GB...Would they see it??
by James Mixon inif one sent a nice note to the gb, "you guys are a bunch of low life scumbags", would they cover.
it in their meeting and respond to my letter?.
What if I mailed a letter that was special delivery, must be signed by one of the GB members
because there's a check inside it, $1.00......Not even.
you could write a letter to each individual member of the Governing Body (tm) and then have your 'apostate' connection send these letters through the internal Bethel mail system.
Maybe Rick F. from Six Screens can get you in touch with Johnny the Bethelite. (You could entice him with getting him a new burner phone).
OK so what's this special meeting on Saturday about?
It's a meeting to make JW's feel oh so special.
Here is what kind of person (Prince) a celebrity JW is
by Terry in
Clinically speaking I think Prince's seizures as an infant left some damage. That may explain some behaviors in later life. -
Watchtower set for its biggest pay day, ever.
by pleaseresearch inif this is true, and we will have to wait and see.
prince could give everything to the watchtower.
so that's his $300 million fortune.
Would it be right for the WT to accept the money since Prince made most of it from "music that is deemed not appropriate for a Christian"?
Especially if it stumbled others?To the WT hierarchs money is money, especially when it becomes theirs. The WT don't care where it comes from.
But if you are gainfully employed in an industry the WT deems unworthy, forget about it, you've got six months to find other employment or your rear is getting the boot.
Has Anybody Hear a Rumour That Prince Died?
by cofty inwhy do people care so much about celebrities?
Has Anybody Hear a Rumour That Prince Died?
You don't say!
Here's a JW question:
With Prince dying as an active publisher in good standing, according to his local elder George "by the book" Cook, will he be resurrected with the same musical talents?
Will he remember his lyrics?
Will he sing his songs in the New System?
Will he be taller than 5'2"?
Or... If Prince suddenly wakes up resurrected to Heaven will he then know that the WT great crowd of other sheep in an earthly paradise was nonsense? -
Prince was on the board of directors for the WTS
by Barrold Bonds ini was talking with a friend of mine who knows a few people in the home department at bethel.
apparently, prince was, as i noted in the title, on the board of directors.
he apparently was sort of a silent partner or advisor in the whole thing.
And isn't that the vehicle they're using now for island-to-island service in Alaska's Aleuts?
Is Larry Graham an Elder?
by ShirleyW ini think he is, but i"m not too sure.
just wondering because looking at that purple pimp outfit with hat that he wore to prince's memorial, i wonder if he ever gave a talk wearing the same outfit, when i've read here that some brothers were talked to for wearing a pastel colored shirt while giving a talk..
There was a crack-down on zoot suits in New England a while back, when folks were partying like it was 1999. No Zoot Suits!
Then there was the NO Hoochie Momma style-for-sisters talks at Natick, the DO guy's name escapes me which is good 'cause I'm trying to completely block him out of my mind's recollections :- )